Andrews House Captains book 2019
F ive things you won ’ t know about your head of house • She’s actually pretty crazy. Ms Lee will stay up recording herself rapping lyrics about the 800m race in the middle of the night. The commitment she has to the Andrews house videos is remarkable, but it definitely makes her a bit crazy! • Her dedication to the House is incredible. As members of the House, the fact that she is very invested is clear. But it is even more so when you become captain. This enthusiasm will undoubtedly rub off on you. • Ms Lee, in her own words is “a control freak”. Sometimes this means she can be wary to leave you responsible for tasks. So its very important to show from the beginning that you can be trusted. The best way to be a successful house is for you two captains to work well with Ms Lee. Therefore, any tasks you have been given, take full responsibility and make sure Ms Lee can trust you in the future. • She spent the first half of the year thinking the gang sign was rude, but now that she realises that it is purely just Andrews, she loves it. Andrews gang signs at every opportunity. O ur H ouse can best be described as … The lion attitude!! In all seriousness this attitude encapsulates the Andrews. Our House is so committed and enthusiastic. Regardless of results, Andrews never gives up and always gives absolutely 100%. That sounds so cliché, but there’s honestly no other way to describe it. Over the years, we’ve watched Andrews House change and grow, and never before has the House had so much dedication and spirit. • She has an infinite supply of mints.
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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook
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