Andrews House Captains book 2019
A ndrews H ouse C aptains 2019
S omerset C ollege P ersonal S uccess | G lobal O utlook
L eading a L egacy – A ndrews H ouse C aptains
A word to the Captains from the Captains before...
Cooper Jones Well Done on receiving Andrews House Captain, it is a massive honour and you should be proud of attaining this title. It will be stressful at times, especially as we aren’t the best at everything, but do everything with a smile on your face and always try to be the best role model possible. Get involved in everything possible, take every opportunity that arises and give this position the best you possibly can, you will not regret it! Continue to carry the legacy of the ‘Lion Pride’ and embody all of its aspects in your actions. Best of luck for your year of leadership, don’t hesitate to ask about uncertainties everyone is here to help. Olivia Hammond Congratulations on receiving House Captain!! Year 12 is a crazy year on its own – it can be very stressful academically and its also a very exciting time of your life - it is this year that you will really begin to feel more independent than you ever have before. On top of all this, you now have the responsibility of being house captain. It’s important to be aware that this is a responsibility and you cannot neglect it as you get busy or caught up in all the excitement and chaos of your final year. At the same time though, it’s such a awesome experience. You will soon begin to realise the immense influence you can have, so try to use this to have the most positive impact you can. Take the time to talk and interact to the students in Andrews. Let them know you are there for them and care about them. Embrace the lion attitude and I’m sure you will have an amazing year!
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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook
W hat does your position entail ? The position entails a maximum amount of effort when representing the school, a lot of dedication at all House functions, and the ability to perform outside of your comfort zone when necessary. You will need to give some of your lunch times to make athletic teams or write lyrics to covers of Panda in order to motivate your house. Either way it will not be all that bad so embrace it. The load is shared between the two of you so distribute tasks evenly and it will make the job a lot easier. F ive tips for you as successors • Embrace your senior peers and form a large leadership team among the House, using this to: lead the House in sport carnivals, brainstorm ideas, distribute workloads during busy periods of the year. • Stay organised especially during busier periods of the year, plan ahead especially during sports carnivals and times when your dedication is specifically necessary. • Get to know anyone and everyone, from the youngest members of the house, to people in your year level you have never spoken to, embrace opportunities to form new relationships and get to know people, trust me this is a fun one! • Set some goals at the start of your campaign and throughout your journey as a captain refer to them and find ways to continuously push your goals. For example, continuing the ‘Lion Pride’ legacy and integrating Leo into all of your carnival planning. • Don’t be afraid to ask for help - everyone surrounding you is willing to help like Ms. Lee, other teachers, other leaders, past leaders.
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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook
O ur W arcry
Seniors: ANDREWS WAR CRY 1, 2, 3!
Everyone: Andrews, Andrews we’re too much! we’re the team with the golden touch! Our mascot is a savage lion, ROAR! Strong as steel and made of iron. A.N.D.R.E.W.S ANDREWS!
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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook
H ouse E vents The First week of School – what can you do to help? For Andrews, the first day back always involves House Carnival Swimming Trials which you would have had a slight taste of what this will be like in the last day of Year 11. However, we recommend meeting with Ms. Lee and your senior cohort to plan the trials and age managers etc. in order to have a seamless first week. Don’t worry, it gets better! Leadership in PC PC is a great way of getting the House to be a whole. As Captains you should be able to go through all the PCs (not neglecting your own of course) and interact with students of all ages and get to know them. Referring to one of our tips this is a good way to achieve this. Make PC something people look forward to! House Meetings House Meetings are great opportunities to: relay information easily to the entire house, congratulate special achievements, GIVE LION PRIDE AWARDS. For these organisation is key so that involves meetings with Ms. Lee and your fellow house captain and some planning is involved in every meeting. Year 7 Camp This was one of our favourite experiences as House Captains. This will be your first opportunity to get to know to some members of the college that you haven’t previously met. They will adore you so make the most of it! Get involved in every activity they will really appreciate this, try your best to learn names and faces, this also goes a long way! House Chapel This is a somewhat daunting event from experience as it is your first opportunity to represent yourself as a leader of the college and speak in front of an audience made up of students, teachers and parents. You will be fine as long as you prepare appropriately with your fellow house captain and with Ms. Lee. Don’t be scared to make a mistake these are useful to learn from and apply to situations you will face later on in your captaining campaign.
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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook
House Play Festival Personally, we were both heavily involved in this event, I suggest you do the same as it is great fun! But this means a lot of after school rehearsals as well as weekend rehearsal, yes weekend rehearsal! This is also a great opportunity to interact with some members of the house you previously didn’t know, your tightly knit group of performers will come out of this experience greatly rewarded and as very close friends having spent a great experience together. If you aren’t directly involved, make sure to pop in to some of the rehearsals to see how they’re going and let the cast and directors know you’re behind them. Oh, and we’ve won it the last two years, so no pressure! Inter-House Carnivals The House Carnivals are the most chaotic and stressful events of the captaincy role, but they are also the most exciting. Leading up to the carnival you need to make sure everyone is motivated – talk to peers in Year 12 and your PC. Having the year 12s invested in the carnivals filters down into the younger years – you have even more influence than you’d expect. Andrews has a uniquely incredible sense of House pride – the lion attitude – and you’ll see this on the day. Make sure that this attitude continues as it is truly remarkable. Throughout the carnival, you basically need to follow Ms Lee around, do any job that is being asked of you and, in between all that, cheer on, encourage and congratulate the House members. The first carnival, swimming, was difficult but as you learn to work better together and gain a greater understanding of your role, you’ll work more smoothly and efficiently. Also, if the outcome doesn’t reflect the effort put in, use this to continue motivating the House, don’t let it bring the spirit down.
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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook
House Activities Day Leading up to activities day, make sure everything is organised. If Ms Lee hasn’t explicitly said, offer to finalise everyone and their activities. Making sure Ms Lee is aware that you’re willing to help is critical to having a successful year. Depending on what activity you’re doing it may be difficult to support the other members of the House on the day. However, after you’ve finished try and ask anyone you see how they did. If you see them before the activity, wish them luck. As captains, direct encouragement and interest in the members of the House, particularly the younger students, go a really long way. Service Learning – House Charity The House charity is an amazing foundation providing counselling to those involved in the recovery and treatment of cancer patients. One of our biggest regrets as house captains is not doing more for the charity. Putting on fundraisers, such as cake stalls, not only raises money for an amazing cause, but provides an opportunity for PCs to come together and Andrews students to collaborate. Age group managers and other captains The biggest thing about working with the other captains and the age group managers is making sure they understand the expectation but also not bossing them around. In the stress of carnival days its easy to sound a bit too demanding when asking a manager or captain to help, such as chasing after someone who needs to be racing. In general, you, as house captains have a better understanding of how everything is run. Most managers/captains are more than happy to help; they just may not know what needs to be done. So, amidst all the chaos try not to forget that.
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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook
L ooking B ack
Highlight of our Captaincy The highlight of our roles as captains would have to be going to Year 7 Camp. Not only was it such a fun day but it really gave us insight into how much of an impact you can have on the younger students. The Year 7s really look up to you and its honestly inspiring to be able to see the influence you can have and then use that to continue to improve the house as the year progresses. Year 7 Camp is also a great way to meet the youngest members of the house who you may not have had the opportunity to meet before. Unexpected things that happened during our Captaincy A gang sign was invented. We aren’t exactly sure when or how but at some point early this year we started doing the Andrews gang sign. Please let it live on. Memorable moments with our head of house Helping make / watching the carnival motivation videos were pretty memorable moments. These get crazier and crazier each carnival and we’ve had lots of laughs sitting in Ms Lee’s office, eating all her mints, marvelling at the quality videos.
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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook
F ive things you won ’ t know about your head of house • She’s actually pretty crazy. Ms Lee will stay up recording herself rapping lyrics about the 800m race in the middle of the night. The commitment she has to the Andrews house videos is remarkable, but it definitely makes her a bit crazy! • Her dedication to the House is incredible. As members of the House, the fact that she is very invested is clear. But it is even more so when you become captain. This enthusiasm will undoubtedly rub off on you. • Ms Lee, in her own words is “a control freak”. Sometimes this means she can be wary to leave you responsible for tasks. So its very important to show from the beginning that you can be trusted. The best way to be a successful house is for you two captains to work well with Ms Lee. Therefore, any tasks you have been given, take full responsibility and make sure Ms Lee can trust you in the future. • She spent the first half of the year thinking the gang sign was rude, but now that she realises that it is purely just Andrews, she loves it. Andrews gang signs at every opportunity. O ur H ouse can best be described as … The lion attitude!! In all seriousness this attitude encapsulates the Andrews. Our House is so committed and enthusiastic. Regardless of results, Andrews never gives up and always gives absolutely 100%. That sounds so cliché, but there’s honestly no other way to describe it. Over the years, we’ve watched Andrews House change and grow, and never before has the House had so much dedication and spirit. • She has an infinite supply of mints.
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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook
T hings we will miss most about our house
It is the lion attitude that we will miss most. Also, with all the students being so invested in a common goal, the teamwork and sense of family grows incredibly strong. This community and spirit is what we will, undeniably, miss most. O ur advice to you is … Above all, keep the lion attitude strong. Don’t let Andrews lose the incredible sense of pride we have. More specifically though, our advice is to keep a balance and keep on top of your schoolwork. Your role as House Captain is very important and you need to be able to attend to this throughout possibly the busiest year at school. If you let it show that the house isn’t a priority, it will filter through to your other Year 12s and then down into the lower grades. Equally, if you remain positive and invested, this will reflect throughout the house as well. Our final piece of advice is simple but critical: as you walk past other Andrews students smile at them and say hi. It may sound like this isn’t all that important but it really shows that you care about the individuals in the house. If they know you care about them, they will be more inclined to not let you down and to try at House events. Also, a smile can always go a long way. As house captains, you have an opportunity to reach every member of Andrews, so try to do this as often and as best as you can.
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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook
A ndrews H ouse C aptains 2019
Albert Maatouk
Natalie Blauberg
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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook
G oal S etting 2019
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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook
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Somerset College Andrews House Captains Handbook
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