APS Athletics Program 2018
Age Groups: Open Age is taken as the age of the competitor at the end of 2018 (i.e. age at 31 st December 2018) 13 14 15 16
A competitor may only compete in their specified age group.
3 In track sprint events run in designated lanes, there will be 2 separate A division races with an overall placing determined for the event by a comparison of times run in each race. This does not apply to C & D division 100m which will be run as separate events and DO NOT count to Individual Age Championship points. A school must fill A division before C & D division.
4 Each school may enter one, 4 x 100m relay team per age group
5 There are two venues for each field event, one for Boys and one for Girls. If a clash occurs between a track event and a field event, it is the responsibility of the competitor to report personally first to the field event (prior to the completion of Round 1) to have their name registered with the official. After the completion of their track event commitment, they must return immediately to the field event venue at which time they will be entitled to their full quota of attempts. High Jump competitors will join the event at the current height set.
6 Competitors are to report to the marshalling area as soon as their event is called.
7 Canteen facilities for students will be available throughout the day. Refreshments and lunch will be provided for officials by the convening school. IAAF Rules will apply - except in field events, whereby a competitor will be permitted to compete out of order.
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