A Fall In The Mall
Chapter 2: Falling For (Towards) You
The cold wind stung his face as he fell. His mouth and eyes were wide open as he plummeted. He was gasping for air as the ground grew closer. Gaining more and more speed as the weight of his split decision dragged him down further. He didn’t feel like he was falling though, it just felt really, really windy. Luck happened to be on his side as he happened to have a parachute on his back and a helmet on his head. He just hoped that he grabbed the working parachute as the other one was a little ripped after the last time he tried to skydive. All he had to do now was find a suitable landing space in less than a minute. That part, that part was the tricky part. The only thing he could remember from his skydiving class was that he had to land on land. There was another problem though it was that even though he had skydived before, he was petrified, and flailing his arms around didn’t seem to be helping the current situation. What would his father say? You must believe! Or something like that. He reached his arm up to pull the string that would activate his parachute. He pulled the string towards him only for it to slip from his grasp. He started to panic. What would happen if he couldn’t get his parachute out? He tried pulling the string again only for it to slip out of his hand once again. As they say, third time’s a charm. He took a deep breath and reached up once last time grabbing hold of the string and pulled down.
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