A Fall In The Mall

“Don’t you take another step young man!” Vérónika demanded. “I’ve grown too attached to you so now for your safety you must come with me and my soldier crabs. I’m going to adopt you, since your parents obviously don’t care about your well-being.” Stunned, Vector blinked away tears. “You mean you don’t think my presence is a burden?” he said, unsteadily. Frowning, Vérónika stepped forward and hesitantly placed a perfectly manicured hand on his shoulder. “Of course not,” she murmured, “you are a delight to have around, and you’ve got a good heart. Anyone who says you’re a burden doesn’t deserve your préséncé.” “Oh,” Vector said softly. “Thanks. I uh, don’t really want to go back to my parents so I guess I’ll go with you? If that’s still ok?” Vérónika bared her teeth in a grin. “óf cóûrse! I have a couple roòms bóoked at the Underground Motel, we can be there by Sunday.” And they drove off into the Sunset. Finally.


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