A Fall In The Mall
Oh Samantha! You have survived the impossible, you cunning child! Why art thou so wonderful? Thou art faster than a tsunami yet more wise than an owl Oh Samantha! I will never forsake thou ever again May thou forever prosper and never falter. “Hey, can we get something to eat?” Vector interrupted. Vérónika shot a glare towards Vector, then sighed. “I sûppose wé could,” Vérónika agreed. Rushing outwards from the parachute, Vérónika cradled Samantha in her hands as they dashed through the rain-soaked mall. They trudged down the escalator, careful not to skid on the slithery steps. For a moment Vector lost his footing and nearly slipped, but Vérónika smoothly caught him by his backpack. “Thanks,” Vector muttered under his breath, unsure if Vérónika even heard him. Now on the lower level of the shopping centre, the two were sheltered from the wrath of the rain. They approached a backlit light that displayed the pulsating green letters, Woolworth’s. “Actually...” Vector mumbled. “I’m not hungry enough to eat there.” Vérónika shrugged off his indecisiveness. Come to think of it, she wasn’t that hungry either. She spun back around, her high heels squeaking on the damp tile floor. Vector in tow, the two headed back to the parachute to wait out the persistent rain.
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