A Fall In The Mall

Chapter 4: Unexpected Parachute Game

“Ugggg! Urggahhhaa!” Vérónika grunt loudly as she tried to army crawl out from under the parachute that strapped her to the ground. It felt pointless. Each time she brought her arm up to pull herself out, the parachute fabric kept blocking her way and getting trapped under her arms. But a lumpy piece of fabric was not going to stop her. “ahhh,” she sighed as she inhaled a breath of fresh air. Once she slipped out from the parachute, she assisted Vector out as well even though she was still frustrated about the possibility that he squashed her beloved Samantha. She searched for her regardless, running around frantically yelling, “Samantha, Samantha!” “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to squash you and your crab Vérónika,” he said miserably while following her around. “What were you even doing parachuting into a mall? Did you not think about what could happen? Imagine if there were people here and you fell on them. Numerous people could have been injured because you didn’t think about what you were doing! How often do you even skydive, because you have a nametag that says your name and why do you even need that anyway?!” Vérónika yelled with rage, leaving Vector silent amid the echoes ringing through the mall.


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