A Fall In The Mall

Vérónika crawled closer towards the voice through the darkness, wondering what happened to her bubbly crab, Samantha.

“Yoú didn’t answ ē r my qûestiòn.” “Who are you? What question?” “I ám Vérónika. Now, w hat have yoú done to my prēciôus Samantha?” “Who’s Samantha?”

“My pr ē ciôus crab yoú f ōo l.” “A crab! Where? Is it on me!?”

At this point Vérónika could hear the terrified screams of the boy she was trapped with. She was just worried about her sweet Samantha. She had to keep looking for her even if it was pitch black underneath the fabric that she was tangled up in. She fumbled her way around as she tried to find a way out. Her fingertips brushed along each surface of the material but failed to come across the rough texture of her beloved Samantha, who was in fact clinging onto the side of the parachute still alive and intact.


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