2025 Uniform Handbook




YEAR 10 to YEAR 12


Day Uniform 01 | Option 1 - Students wear a short-sleeve white blouse with a bottle green tree and blue bird, a navy blue knee-length skirt, plain white ankle socks with black leather laceā€“up or court shoes. 02 | Option 2 - Students wear a short-sleeve white and blue striped shirt (tucked in) with the small bird and tree crest, navy blue shorts with belt loop and black leather belt, long socks with black leather lace-up shoes. Formal Uniform 03 | Option 1 - Students wear a compulsory blazer (College or honours) over the short sleeve summer blouse. Students continue to wear the navy summer skirt and must wear navy blue hosiery (minimum 40 denier) when formal uniform is required. 04 | Option 2 - Students wear a long-sleeve white shirt (tucked in) with the small bird and tree crest, navy blue long trousers with a belt loop and black leather belt. Students wear a compulsory blazer (College or honours) with a College tie. 05 | Option 3 - Students wear a compulsory blazer (College or honours) over the short sleeve summer blouse, navy blue long trousers with a belt loop and black leather belt.




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