2023 Scholars' Evenings Book - Years 11 and 12
Scholars Evening- Years 11 and 12 '
Giselle Burke Year 5 to Year 12 House Play, 2nd XI Football, Homeless Sleepout Campaign, Half Colour – AFL; Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Joselene Chen Prep to Year 12
Georgia Daly Year 2 to Year 12 House Captain, House Plays: Winner - Best Actor Award; 1st XI Football, Senior AFL, APS Cross Country, Full Colour – AFL; Somerset AFL Player of the Year; Full Colour – Drama, Under 19 Somerset Futsal, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Kaelyn Dolan Prep to Year 12 Senior Eisteddfod Dance Group, House Plays: Director; Open A Volleyball, Full Colour – Drama; Honour – Performing Arts; Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Fergus George Year 5 to Year 12
Indyanna (Indy) Hammer Year 8 to Year 12 Open A Volleyball, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Finn Harrison Year 1 to Year 12
Committees: Science, Senior Sustainable Spartan; Mooting - Bond University, Golf Development, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
T2 Volleyball, Senior AFL, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
T2 Volleyball, Senior AFL, Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Britney Ingr Year 8 to Year 12 Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Jaidon Jeffriess Prep to Year 12
Armand (Armani) Kujovic Year 4 to Year 12 T2 Volleyball, Senior AFL, Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Brianna Kurtz Year 7 to Year 12 Open A Netball, Open B Netball, Honour – Netball; Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Milo Lamont Year 4 to Year 12 Beach Volleyball Group, Inter-House Cross Country Carnival.
Matthew Leal Prep to Year 12
Tyler Longfield Year 6 to Year 12
Senior Hockey, Half Colour – Hockey; The Little Family Hockey Trophy, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
1st XI Football, Senior AFL, Under 19 Somerset Futsal, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Sports Captain, Open A Basketball, APS Cross Country, Honour – Basketball, 2nd XI Football, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Alexandra Lowth Year 11 to Year 12 Committees: Impact, Dead Philosophers Club; Beach Volleyball Group, Volunteer: Disabled Surfers Association, Walk with Us; Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
William (Will) Martin Year 4 to Year 12 Men’s Chorus, Musical, Volunteer: Somerset Festival for Young Performers, Vocal Group, Honour – Performing Arts, 1st XI Football, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Ava McCarthy Prep to Year 12
Nikiah McNamara Year 2 to Year 12 1st XI Football, Senior AFL, Half Colour – AFL, Football, Under 19 Somerset Futsal, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Bongani Mhlanga Year 8 to Year 12 1st XI Football, Half Colour – Football, Futsal, Under 19 Somerset Futsal, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Claudia Mills Prep to Year 12
Liam Moller Year 5 to Year 12
College Captain, House Plays: Director; Somerset Actors’ Studio, GCSSDF Senior Play, Wordsmiths, 1st XI Football, Senior AFL, Half Colour – AFL; Honour – Drama, Wordsmiths; Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Dead Philosophers Club, Beach Volleyball Group, Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Senior Hockey, Half Colour – Hockey; Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Elise Mundy Year 4 to Year 12
Jack Newman Prep to Year 12 Committees; Impact, Photography, 2nd XI Football, Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Lily Peters Prep to Year 12
Luke Shirley Year 3 to Year 12
Lillian Tan Year 7 to Year 12 Committees: Impact, Dead Philosophers Club (Leader), Science (Leader), Photography; Tier 2 Volleyball, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Trinity Toia Year 8 to Year 12
Andy Wong Lin Year 4 to Year 12
House Captain, Science Committee, Wordsmiths, 1st XI Football, Honour – Athletics; Somerset Athlete of the Year; Half Colour - Wordsmiths, Under 19 Somerset Futsal, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Volunteer: Disabled Surfers Association, Tennis Coach Assistant, Bangalow Koalas
Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
2nd XI Football, Senior AFL, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Open A Netball, Honour – Netball; Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Open A Volleyball, Inter House Cross Country Carnival.
Year 12 Laver
14 November 2023
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