2023 Scholars' Evenings Book - Years 11 & 12


Cum Laude Awards To be announced by Mr N J Brice, Deputy Headmaster

After each reporting period, students who achieve at the highest level in the majority of their subjects are presented with a Cum Laude Award. Seniors who meet the following criteria will graduate Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude or Summa Cum Laude.

Summa Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude (with the highest praise) for achieving a Cum Laude Award in all eligible semesters. Amy Barry James Bindra Megan Cattell Isabelle (Izzy) Chang Steffani (Steff) Chang Yuvraj (Yuvi) Chauhan Joselene Chen Joshua Cotton Georgia Daly Rhea Dawson Riley Dennings Ella Flowers Mia Gillespie Matthew Goldie Hayden Goldsmith Molly Green Jayavi Gunaruwan Heidi Hoffman Sooji (Isabel) Hong Wei-Hwa (Tanya) Hsieh Mia Huang Victoria Huang Alice Jones Phoenix Kyaw Georgina Littleton Tyler Longfield Alexandra Lowth Benjamin Major Ava McCarthy Jenna Miller Olivia Mullins Aditya Naik Matthew Nickels Mao Oishi Isabella Ong Ashlee Park Iona Radcliffe Niamh Rogers Elsa Sandholt Isabella Seymour Luke Shirley Tristan Song Jemma Studdon Belle Toohey Momone Uchida Rishi Veeramachaneni

Cum Laude Cum Laude (with praise) for achieving a Cum Laude Award in Year 12. Rishi Athota William Baker Giselle Burke Chris Charisiou Marley Chatterjee Evan Cosson Max Deffenti Bayley d'Hotman de Villiers Lucia Dopper Alexandra (Alex) Halloran Jake Johnson Angus Kennett William (Will) Martin Timothy McSwan Lucy Millar Liam Moller Mahee Navaratne Marika Ransfield Yathish Soni Lillian Tan Marie Warneke Tamiah Wormell Magna Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude (with great praise) for achieving a Cum Laude Award in all but one of the eligible semesters. Sofia Arase Cassius Astill-Torchia Kaelyn Dolan Rebecca Hill Ellise Lim Lisa Muvirimi Kate Roder Sophie Ward-Harvey Yuan (Oliver) Yang

International Baccalaureate Diploma Awards To be announced by Mrs M A Sauer, Dean of Studies

Awarded to a student on the basis of their school assessment in their International Baccalaureate Diploma subjects. Donated by Somerset College

The Ros Bates MP Trophy for Creativity Action Service

1st Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (HL)

Isabella Ong

Sooji (Isabel) Hong

1st Mathematics: Applications and Interpretations (SL)

1st Business Management

Steffani (Steff) Chang

Lillian Tan

1st Biology

Alexandra Lowth Megan Cattell Megan Cattell Heidi Hoffman Alexandra Lowth

1st Philosophy 1st Physics (HL)

Heidi Hoffman

1st Chemistry 1st Economics

Megan Cattell 1st Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay (Combined) Heidi Hoffman 1st Visual Art (HL) Emily Blatchford 1st Visual Art (SL) Sooji (Isabel) Hong 1st Combined Results for Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay Alexandra Lowth

1st Language A: Literature 1st Language B: French

1st Language B: Italian ‘ab initio’ 1st Language B: Japanese

Steffani (Steff) Chang Sooji (Isabel) Hong

1st History

Heidi Hoffman

1st Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (SL)

2nd in the IB Diploma

To be announced

Steffani (Steff) Chang

Year 12 Awards


14 November 2023

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