2023 Scholars' Evenings Book - Years 11 & 12
Tuesday 14 November 2023 | The Great Hall Scholars Evening '
Years 11 and 12
Information About Somerset College
JUNIOR SCHOOL TEACHERS Mrs N M Boone, BA (Hons) ICT Mr W J Boston, B Ed, Grad Cert Ed Law Mr K Butcher, B Ed Mr S A Cowling , B Ed Mrs C G G Doyle , B P Ed Mrs L Eastwell, B Ed, Assoc Dip Ed Mr M W Eddy , (Class of 2006), Grad Cert P Teach, B Bus Mrs N Fann, B Ed, B Bus Mrs S Fu, M Ed Prac Mrs J Goldstone , Grad Cert Ed, B Psy Mr S J Greenbank , B Ed Mrs K S Grigg (Class of 2005), B Ed, Austswim Certified Mrs B Hipperson, B Ed Miss S E Johns, B Ed Mrs D Jordan, Grad Dip Ed Mrs M Kiddle ( Class of 1991), Grad Dip Ed [Pre-Prep Director] Miss K E Leslie, Grad Dip Ed, B Mus, M Mus St Mrs C Lewis, B Ed Mrs S Louis-Punch, B Ed, DipT Ms J Lu, M Teach, B Dig Med, B Design Mrs K D McLaughlin, B Ed Mr J A Mitchell, B Ed, TT for STEAA Miss K J McNaught, B Pr Ed, Cert III T&M Mrs N B Nugent, B Ed Mrs N R Paton, B Ed / Arts Mrs E R Percasky, B Teach Mr M Pitura, B Ed, B Teach Mrs B Plüss, B Ed, Grad Cert Learn Tech Mrs J S Proctor, B Ed, B Bus Mrs C B Rhodes, M Teach, B Arts Ms S Rosentreter, B Ed, Dip Chld Serv Mrs H Saro, B Ed Mrs S J Sharples, Grad Dip T&L, B Arts Mrs J S Stewart, Grad Cert Ed, B Comm Mrs D Swainson, M Ed, B Arts, Grad Dip Ed, Grad Cert Mgt Mr D Toomey, B Ed, B Arts Miss K Webb, B Arts, B Sci, M Bus Adm [Junior School Sport Co-ordinator] Mrs B G Weintrop, M Ed, Cert Ed, B Arts Ms S L Willis, B Ed Mrs O M Woolley, B Ed Mrs K Zernike, BA (Hons), Grad Dip Ed ADMINISTRATION Mrs L Keefer [Administrative Assistant – Junior School] Mrs A M Walsh, Grad Dip T, B PE [Administrative Assistant – Junior School] Mrs B Yam, M Ed, B Soc Sc [Administrator – Junior School] LEARNING ENHANCEMENT Ms V A Male, M Ed, B Ed [Coordinator – Learning Enhancement] Mrs K L Bennett, M Dis Studies, B Teach Mrs K Hall, B Teach Mrs A J Tayler, M Ed, B Ed, B Teach, Ass Dip Ed. Mrs L Grocott, B Sc, Grad Dip Ed Mr A J Halloran, Dip T, Grad Dip Arts Mrs H E Harrison, B Ed, Cert III LS Ms N L Sheppard, B Ed Mrs B Simpson, B Ed Miss R Skyring, B Ed Mr J Stafford, B Ed
Abigail (Abi) Hunt
Faye Al-Freah
Riya Nagrani
Willow Truscott
FOUNDED 28 January 1983 MOTTO “Deo Confidimus” (In God We Trust)
Tarquin Weintrop
Isla Kemp
COLLEGE BOARD Mr A Hickey OAM, LLB (Hons) [Chairman] Mr P W Trimble, GAICD, B Com and ACPA [Deputy Chairman] Mrs A E Appel ( Class of 2003), B Bus Mr S Chan , LLB Mr J Cordner (Class of 1990), CPA, F Fin, BCom Ms A Swain , M Ec St, Grad Cert Ec Dev, Dip Proj Mgt, Grad Dip Urb and Rur Plan, B Built Env, GAIDC Mrs P Thurnwald, B Sc, Grad Dip Phty, Grad Dip Adv Manip Ther and MPhty Mr A Woodthorpe , B Arts (Hons), M Mgt (MBA), Advisory Board-Certified Chair, FT NED Diploma Mr B Young PARENTS’ AND FRIENDS’ ASSOCIATION Mrs S Denzongpa [President] SOMERSET ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Mr N M Richards (Class of 2003) [President]
Eliotte (Elle) Kelly
Mia Brennan
Sharni Norman
Mr C T Bassingthwaighte, MA (Griffith), B Ed Studies (Qld), BA, Dip T, FACE, FCEOI, MACEL DEPUTY HEADMASTER Mr N J Brice, B Ed, B Arts CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Mr D C Thornton, BA (Hons), MBA (AGSM), CA (ICAA, ICAEW), GAICD HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL Mrs A Foster, M Arts, B Arts, Dip Ed, Grad Dip Public Relations HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL Ms R J Collie, M Ed, B Ed, B Teach, GKIHSM DEAN OF STUDIES Mrs M A Sauer, M Ed, B Ed, Dip T, MACE, GAICD DEAN OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Ms L Thomson, M Ed, BA, Grad Dip, MACEL DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES Ms F G Smith, Grad Cert HR, CAHRI [Director of Human Resources] DEAN OF ACTIVITIES Mr D K Robinson, B Bus Mgt, B App Sc, B Ex Sc DEAN OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Mr T W Zernike, M Ed, B App Sc (Human Movement), B Ed, MACE JUNIOR SCHOOL ASSISTANT HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL – CURRICULUM AND PYP Mrs B C Millican, M Ed, B Ed, Dip T, Grad Cert Ment Hlth, Cert Gifted and Talented Ed, MACE ASSISTANT HEAD – JUNIOR SCHOOL – PRE-PREP to YEAR 2 Mr E S Roberts, B Ed (E Child), B Int Bus ASSISTANT HEAD - JUNIOR SCHOOL – YEAR 3 TO YEAR 6 Mr N J Scott, Grad Dip Ed, B Comm, Grad Dip Psy EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE HEADMASTER Mrs W J Bacon
Ava McCarthy
Isabella Seymour
Georgina Littleton
Alice Jones
Hannah Zubair
Mao Oishi
Sophie Clements
Amy Barry
Lucy Millar
Kate Roder
Georgia Daly
Alexandra (Alex) Halloran
Jenna Miller
14 November 2023
TEACHER ASSISTANTS Mrs J Ardill-Walker Mrs C E L Cook
YEAR 11 CO-ORDINATOR Miss R Y Ward, M Ed, B Arts/Ed, Dip Mod Languages YEAR 12 CO-ORDINATOR Mr P S I George, M Teach, M Eng Lit, B Fine Arts SERVICE LEARNING CO-ORDINATOR Mr B W Walker , BEd(Hons), BAppSc (Biotech) PSYCHOLOGIST Mrs C Ceh, M Cl Psy, B Psy [Clinical Psychologist] Mrs G J Crighton [Psychologist] SENIOR SCHOOL TEACHERS Ms K Aki, Grad Dip Ed, B Int Pol Mrs E Amores, B Sc, Grad Dip Ed Mr S D Attoe, B Ed, Dip Spt Dev, Grad Cert Spt Coach [Head Coach – Rugby] Mrs K M Baker, Dip T, Grad Dip Ed Mrs L J Beere , B Ed, B Ex Sc Mr T Betts, M Arts, Grad Dip Ed, Grad Dip Phil and NP Mgt, Cert Bus Ms J Burgess , B Arts, B Ed Ms L M Calder, Grad Dip Ed, M Arts Miss J Dall’Acqua, B Bus, B Arts Mrs R L Dougherty , B Ed, B Vis Comm Mrs M Ellis, M Teach, B Comm Mr C J Enwright, B Arts (Hons), MA, Cert T English, Post GradCertEd Mrs S M Gardner, B Arts, Dip Ed, Dip Csl Mr J M Gasmier, B Ed Mr B J Goodall, Assoc B Ed, B Ex Sc Mr J J Grocott, B Ed, Dip T Miss K E Hall, B Ed, Grad Cert L’Ship Mr B J Harrison, Grad Dip Ed, B Arts Mr A Hawtin, M Ed St (Maths), Grad Dip Ed, B BioM Sc, B Pharm Sc Ms C V Hill, B Physical and Outdoor Ed Miss D J Hinton (Class of 2013), B Teach Miss C Jeflea, Grad Dip Ed, B Comm/Laws Mr I Kamei, BA, Grad Dip Ed Mr M Keczan, M Mus St, M Int Rel, B Mus Perf, P Grad Dip Ed Mr R D Keefer, B Ed, Dip T Mrs K L McGrath, M Ed, B Mus Mr R J McGrath, M Ed Lead, Grad Dip Ed, B Sci Mr M G McLaughlin, Grad Dip Ed, B App Sci Mrs H F Moffatt, M Arts, B Arts, Grad Dip Ed, Grad Cert Ed Miss N O Millecam, Grad Cert Ed Miss S L Oppermann, M Teach, B Ex and Mv Sci Miss T L Payne, B Ed, JP Mrs S Rucker, Dip Ed, M Arts Miss J M Rush, Dip T, B Arts Ms D M Scandrett, M Arts, B Vis Art, Dip Ed Mrs C A L Smith, Dip T Mr R Smith, Grad Dip Ed, B Comm, Grad Cert Policy Mr B I Turner, (Class of 1996), B Eng (MicroEng), Grad Dip Ed ENTREPRENEUR IN RESIDENCE Dr B B T U’Ren , M Bus Admin, BAppSc (Biotechnology)
LEARNING ENHANCEMENT Ms V A Male, M Ed, B Ed [Coordinator – Learning Enhancement] Ms N Patrick, Cert III School Support Services [Teacher Assistant] Ms N R Saint, M Sp Ed, B Ed, Dip Ed, Dip TESOL Mrs S L Young, B Ed, B Psy Sc ADMINISTRATION Mr T J Bell, [Technical Assistant – Performing Arts] Miss S N Brodar (Class of 2011) , Cert IV Bookkeeping [Administrative Assistant – Daily Organiser and Timetable] Mrs J E Collette [Administrator - Student Services] Ms G P Cragg, [Administrative Assistant – Academic and Curriculum Services] Ms J Flynn, Dip Ed, Cert 3 in Personal Training, B Arts [Theatre Manager] Mr M G Ibsen (Class of 2020), [Design Assistant] Miss K G MacDonald, B For Sc, Cert III GphDes [Science Laboratory Technician] Mrs C J McDonald, Cert III Ed Support [Administrator – Academic Services] Mrs S B Malone, Dip Sci Tech, Cert Sci tech [Science Laboratory Manager] Mr D S Roberts (Class of 2016), B Sc (Arch) [Technical Assistant - Performing Arts] Mr S N Roberts, B Bus [Administrative Assistant – Performing Arts] COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Ms N Higgs, M Arts Media, B Journalism [Co ordinator – Communications] Miss K A Shanks [College Reception] Mrs M Tolladay [Administrative Assistant - Operations] Mrs P L Woods [ Registrar] EVENTS Ms A J de Laurence, B Bus [Events Manager] Mr S R Campbell, [Administrative Assistant - Events Manager] Mr K J H Bevens [Functions Coordinator] Ms T M Raiwalui , Dip Ed Mgt [Assistant – Events] LOGISTICS Ms S Frawley, Adv Dip L&M [Logistics Co ordinator] Mr A Farrugia [Logistics Assistant – Operations] Mr E L M T Aholelei Mr N J Langevad Mr B M Larney Mr A C G Monaghan Mr A Mousa (Class of 2020)
Mr L M Daniels
Mrs N Flick
Mrs C Flint
Mrs N E Fuller, Cert III Ed Supp Mrs V M Fuller Mrs G E Hamawi, Cert III Ed Supp Mrs A N Jarvis, Dip Child Serv Miss A E Keefer ( Class of 2005) Mrs F Larsen Mrs N L Leonardi , Cert III Ed Sup Mr T J Neagle Mrs E O’Nuallain Ms L Pattugalan, Cert III Comm and Health Services Miss A E Pearce Mrs C Ranger, Cert III and IV Ed Supp Mrs P C Siddall Miss S M Stanford-Modini Mrs A A Swinbank, B Comm, ECE&C Mrs M J Ulliana, Cert III in Ed Support Miss T M Varley Mrs A M Willis, Cert III in Ed Support Mrs N L Wyatt, B Ed, Cert III Ed Supp Mrs S Powell
Miss E Ng
Ms N Penrose
Mrs K Radcliffe, B Teach
SENIOR SCHOOL HEADS OF DEPARTMENT Mr A E Abdou (Class of 1990), M Ed Mgt, Grad Dip Ed, B Arts, Dip Civ Eng [Mathematics] Mr D P Coleman, M Ed, Grad Dip Ed, B Arts [Business and Humanities] Dr S R Ham, PhD, B Teach (Hons) [Languages] Mr R Kemp, M Ed, B Ed [Curriculum Services] Mrs N J Lang, M Ed L’Ship, Dip Ed, B Arts [English] Mr D J O’Brien, B Tech Ed [Design] Mrs S M Roberts, B Mus (School A), Grad Dip Ed Admin, MACE [Performing Arts] Mrs C Wylie, Grad Cert Sc (Psych), M Phil, Grad Dip Ed, B App Sc (Biomed) [Science] ASSISTANT HEADS OF DEPARTMENT Mrs H Coombes, B Sc (Hons) [Design] Mrs A L D’Arcy, B Teach, B Arts [Performing Arts] Mr D J Healy, Grad Dip Ed, B H Sc [Physical Education] Mrs K M Hodge, M Sp Maths, B Ed [Mathematics] Mrs S A Hossy, B Arts/Ed [English] Mrs E P Lynch, B Sc, Dip T [Science] Ms M K Napoles, Grad Dip Ed, M Art [Languages] Mrs E Phillips, Grad Cert Ed, B Sc [Humanities] Mr A P Walsh, M Teach, M Ec Sust, B Bus [Business] HEADS OF HOUSE Miss M Green, B Ed, Cert Theatre Studies [Starkey] Ms J J Hyman (Class of 1998), B Ed, B Ex Sc [Franklin] Ms B E Lee (Class of 2004), M Ed Prac, B Comm [Andrews] Mrs S Leslie (Class of 1992), Grad Dip Ed, B AppSci [Laver] Mr S Whish-Wilson, B Human Movement [Veivers] HEAD OF YEAR 7 Mr A Evans , B Arts/Ed, M Ed L’Ship
Mr M J W Park (Class of 2017) Mr K D Walden (Class of 2018)
HUMAN RESOURCES Ms H A Miners, [Human Resources Officer]
Mrs S Vanderwerff, B IT (Info Serv), Assoc Deg Sci (Lib Tech) [Administrator – Information Services] Mrs J Walsh, Dip Lib/InfoServ [Administrative Assistant – Information Services] Miss T J Dickson Miss C Serong
Mr H C Volzke, Grad Dip T&L, B Com Mrs C Y Walker, B H Sc, Grad Dip T Mr S J Walther, BA (Hons), Grad Dip Ed Mrs B Wright, M Ed St, B Ed
Information About Somerset College
14 November 2023
Information About Somerset College
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Mr D S Cunningham, MCP, FIBMS [Information Systems Manager] Ms G M Hill, Dip Bus Programming [Administrator – Computer Systems] Mrs S Johnson [Administrator – Information Technologies] Mr G M Peel (Class of 2014), B Bus, Dip Bus, B Int Tour & Hot Mgt, AIMs [Digital Media Officer] Mr M J Quinn , Dip Bus, Cert III Hosp, Mr P J Shapcott [Network Security Administrator] Mr J M Spinks [Network and Systems Technician] Mr P Wilton, Cert II Info Tech, B Info Tech OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATION Miss Z A Buttfield , B Nurs, B Bus [College Nurse] Mr D I Larney [Compliance and Operations Assistant] Mrs S L Wilson [Compliance Officer] Mrs E Zimmermann [Administrative Assistant] ACCOUNTS Mrs K M R Sherrington, B Com (Acc), CPA [Finance Manager] Mrs J J Hudson, B Comm, Grad Dip [Assistant Accountant] Mrs T L Campbell [Senior Accounts Clerk] Mrs K J Day, Cert Comm/Off Fund, Cert II Comp App [Accounts Officer] Mrs C M Loudon, Dip Bus, Cert IV TESOL [Accounts Clerk] CATERING Mr M V Furlong [Head Chef] Mr S J Blaszkowski [Kitchen Hand/Steward] Mrs R J Harker Mrs R Pau Mr H Sunouchi [Production Chef] Mr Y Zhang [Cook / Kitchen Assistant] HOSPITALITY AND RETAIL Mr C Yang [Hospitality and Retail Supervisor] Mrs C Crisp [Retail and Hospitality Assistant] Mr E A Archibald Miss J J Coventry [Network and Systems Administrator] Mr S H Woodfield, B Info Tech, B Bus [Information Technology Support Officer] Miss S C Rooney Miss R M Sherrington (Class of 2019) CLEANING Mr E J Lemon [Cleaner – Senior Supervisor] Ms S A Robson [Cleaner – Shift Supervisor] Mr N Symond [Cleaner – Shift Supervisor] Mr E A Archibald Mr B Badal Miss T J Dickson Miss A J Hughes Mr K J Emsden Mrs E M Hunnicutt
GROUNDS AND MAINTENANCE Mr A J Cooper [Grounds and Maintenance Supervisor] Mr D J Hinze [Grounds and Maintenance Team Leader] Mr C J Eddelbuttel, Dip Horticulture, Graphic Reproduction Apprenticeship Mr I J Bishop Mr S J Firmstone, Dip Elect, Cert Ref and Air, Cert II Tele, Cert III Tele
Mrs L G Kirstein, C Mus A Mr B Leader, B Mus Ed, A Mus A Mrs H Little, Grad Dip Mus T, Ass Mus [Programme Co-ordinator Somerset Festival for Young Performers] Mr R D Pearce, Dip Inst Music Mr P J Soalheira, M Teach, B Music Mrs S Yuki
SPEECH AND DRAMA Ms J Irvine, B Ed, B Arts Ms K M Skelton, ATCL
Mr P B Gallagher, Cert III Horticulture Mr J R Golf, Cert III Sports Turf Mgt Mr J McClear, Cert III Horticulture Mr S Proctor
SPORT - FACILITIES Miss S E M Dodd, B Sc Ex and Spt Sc, Grad Cert Ed [Head of Athletic Development]] Dr A Eastwood, Ph D, B Sci [Sports Physiologist and Nutritionist] Mrs E L Sturges, B Spt Sc, [Strength and Conditioning Coach] GYMNASTICS
Mr K J Watson
STORYFEST Mrs A M Lewis, B Bus, Dip Events [Events Manager] Dr F M Brohier, PhD, BA (Hons), Dip Ed, M Litt, MACE [Artistic Director – Storyfest] Ms T Haynes, Dip Graphic Design, B Dig Media [Administrative Assistant – Events] Ms G Lennon, B Bus, Cert Event Mgt [Administrative Assistant – Events] ACTIVITIES Mrs J Sina [Administrative Assistant - Activities] Miss K M Clark [Intern – Sports and Rec] Mr J Lockett [, Intern – Sports and Rec] Mr J S Heron [Sports Assistant] Miss R M Luc, [Sport Facilities Receptionist] Ms A Z R Malone , B Spt Dev [Sports Assistant] Mrs E S Monaghan, [Sports Instructor – Activities Assistant] Mr B D Wood , [Coordinator – Outdoor Education] ACTIVITIES – ACTIVITIES HUB Mrs A Moy , Cert III Ed Sup [Coordinator – Activities Hub] Miss J I K Beaumont, (Class of 2019) Miss T R Cendamo Miss M R Collie Ms S Fleury , Cert III Child Services Miss A J Hughes Mrs C A Licuanan Miss K G MacDonald Ms L D Ray, B OT, Dip Comm Serv Miss A G Sintome DEBATING Miss A R Bonenfant, B Laws, B Arts Miss E G Kirk (Class of 2021) Miss M E R MacFarlane, (Class of 2019) Mr J M Arnold (Class of 2017) [Events Assistant – Storyfest]
Miss J E Hayes (Cert IV Fit, Dip Bus) Miss M R Sintome, Cert IV Dance, Cert IV PA GROUP FITNESS Miss C A Bull Mr H E McMaster (Class of 2015) Ms K Peyrieux
Ms A Richards
Miss A E Scott
Ms X C Xu
SPORT APS Miss C L Anderson (Class of 2021) Mr W A Atkinson Miss A J Bailey (Class of 2021) Mr R A Harraway (Class of 2021) Mr T R Hornsey (Class of 2022) Miss P I Johnson Mr H Jordan (Class of 2022) Miss C N Reynoldson (Class of 2016) Mr S W Stevenson (Class of 2017) ATHLETICS and CROSS COUNTRY Mr S M Walsh, B PE, Grad Dip Teach [Head Coach] Mr H A Arbuthnot Mrs J Wood BASKETBALL Mr R J Stevenson, Grad Cert Spt Coach [Head Coach – Basketball] Mr B M Date Mrs S P Hannan Mr P C Newton Miss O Matzer
Miss V X Song (Class of 2022) Miss S van Esch (Class of 2019) Miss N A Wilson (Class of 2021) PERIPATETIC STAFF DANCE Miss A Aspinall
Mr T A Mougrabi (Class of 2021) Mr W J Partridge (Class of 2021) Miss C A E Stoten (Class of 2021) DEEP WATER RUNNING Miss R M Palermo Mrs M J Woodward FOOTBALL AND FUTSAL Mr M de Kruijf [Head Coach] Mr C R Jones (Class of 2018) Mr O J Leal (Class of 2022) Mr J P Marjanovic (Class of 2021) Miss L R MacDonald (Class of 2021) Mr L S McKean (Class of 2021) Mr J T Pritchard, Dip Spt Devel Mr N G Witton
Information About Somerset College
Mrs K L Robinson
Miss K L Brook
Ms K Bargenquast Mrs M Budiasih
Mrs M Bernardo
Miss M C Parkinson
Miss I J S Scanlan
Mr M Fenson
Miss M R Sintome, Cert IV Dance, Cert IV PA Miss H N Wallace, Cert IV Dance, Cert III and IV Fit, Miss H E Woolston, Cert IV Dance INSTRUMENTAL Ms J L Carnell, Grad Cert Music St Mrs K E Hopkins, B Mus Ms A John-Norris, B Arts, Cert Music, Assoc Dip Pianoforte
Mr T C Gilbert Mr Z Hegedus, Cert II Security Operations, Cert Pool Plant Operations Mr J Martin
Mr D J McVeigh
Miss D Pereira Mr K Simpson Mrs T Urquhart
Mr D Ryu
Mrs T Tenwick Mr G E Wilson
14 November 2023
NETBALL Ms C M Nevins, B Pod [Head Coach] Mrs M T Bacon Miss K M Grant Mrs A Harris, B Sc, M App Ling, M Bus Ad Mrs M Havell Miss E M Muir (Class of 2022) Miss M A O’Connell Mrs K A Seymour (Class of 1989) Mrs R A Stewart Miss A J Toia (Class of 2021) Mrs C Thrupp
TRIATHLON Mr G Scattolini Correa, B Teach, Dip Spt Md, M Spt Sc [Head Coach] Mrs F L Collins Mr K R Engels
Miss J G Eyres
Ms T M Lester VOLLEYBALL Miss I P Garland Mr C J Moloney (Class of 2018) WATER POLO Miss B L Childs (Class of 2018)
Miss H G Hupfield
Ms J M Pearce
Miss T F Taylor
Miss T M Varley
Miss G E Wilson (Class of 2021) ROWING Mr P V Richards, B Design, Cert III Carp [Head Coach] Miss N A Y Brown (Class of 2022) Mr R A Morrison Miss O J Sina (Class of 2016) Miss G M A E R Vote, Cert SLS Bronze RUGBY Mr J F Kolokihakaufisi [Assistant Head Coach - Rugby] Mr G E Anderson (Class of 1993), B Bus, B Ex Sc Mr R Gear Mr H V Hall (Class of 2021) Mr J T Hall (Class of 2021) Mr S Z Q Liu (Class of 2020) Mr A H Sarah, Cert Bus&Com SAILING Mr B Fitzpatrick SWIMMING Mr F J Butcher (Class of 1994), B Bus (Maj Spt Mgmt), B Ex Sc, Silver Licence [Director of Aquatics/Head Coach] Ms C Baty [Squad Coach] Mr A Callus [High Performance Sprint and State Coach] Mr C Urquhart [Assistant Swimming Coach – State Squad] Mrs A Honnery [Administrative Assistant] Ms S Albert Mrs K L Annandale Miss A H Berlowitz Miss A J Childs (Class of 2020) Mrs C Cormack Mr M B Flaherty Mr J J Henderson Mr M R Kleinert Mr C J Licuanan (Class of 2017) Mr Z Liu Ms A C D Morahan Mr A Newling Mrs L J O’Brien Miss A E Pankowski Mrs S J Pitura , Cert III Sch Ed Supp Miss S C Rooney Ms K L Schieb Mr G W Schulte Miss S S Stanford Engwirda Ms N K Temple Mrs L N Thaning Mr K N Wilcox Mr C E A Wilkinson Miss K R Young TENNIS Mr L M Treacher [Head Coach] Mr L D Yarwood (Class of 2017) [Tennis Event and Tournament Officer] Miss L L Ball Miss N Djamshidi (Class of 2011) Mr W H Evans (Class of 2014) Miss K N A Hart Miss R M Luc Miss L L Owen Ms M Salmon Mr A W Summers
Information About Somerset College
14 November 2023
Scholars Evening- Years 11 and 12 '
Information About Somerset College
14 November 2023
Academic Awards Years 11 and 12 Programme
Concert Band Into the Clouds! By Richard L. Saucedo Directed by Mrs S M Roberts
National Anthem
Advance Australia Fair Australians all, let us rejoice, For we are one and free, We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil Our home is girt by sea. Our land abounds in nature’s gifts, Of beauty rich and rare, In history’s page, let every stage, Advance Australia fair, In joyful strains then let us sing, ADVANCE AUSTRALIA FAIR
Acknowledgement of Country
Georgina Littleton, Chapel Sacristan
Chairman's Message Mr A W Hickey OAM, Chair of the College Board
Concert Band
M. Behavior By Rossano Galante Directed by Mrs S M Roberts
Headmaster’s Address
Mr C T Bassingthwaighte, Headmaster
Presentation of Year 11 QCE Awards
Mr C T Bassingthwaighte, Headmaster and Mr A W Hickey OAM, Chair of the College Board Mr N J Brice, Deputy Headmaster
Years 11 and 12 Programme
14 November 2023
Scholars Evening- Years 11 and 12 '
Programme (Cont'd) YEARS 11 AND 12
Jazz Band
Wipe Out The Surfaris
Arranged by Dallas C. Burke Directed by Mrs K L McGrath
Presentation of Year 12 Cum Laude Awards
Mr C T Bassingthwaighte, Headmaster and Mr A W Hickey OAM, Chair of the College Board Mr N J Brice, Deputy Headmaster
Presentation of Year 12 IB Diploma Awards
Mr C T Bassingthwaighte, Headmaster and Mr A W Hickey OAM, Chair of the College Board Mrs M A Sauer, Dean of Studies
Presentation of Year 12 QCE Awards
Mr C T Bassingthwaighte, Headmaster and Mr A W Hickey OAM, Chair of the College Board Mrs M A Sauer, Dean of Studies
Show Choir
Big House By Kyle Pederson Mrs S M Roberts
Presentation of Major Awards
Mr C T Bassingthwaighte, Headmaster and Mr A W Hickey OAM, Chair of the College Board Mrs M A Sauer, Dean of Studies
Years 11 and 12 Programme
New College Captains Vote of Thanks to outgoing College Captains, Student Leaders and the Class of 2023
14 November 2023
Programme (Cont'd)
Class of 2023 Valedictory Song Viva La Vida
By Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland, Will Champion and Chris Martin
The College Prayer
Georgina Littleton, Chapel Sacristan
Almighty and Everliving God, Bless the family of Somerset College:
Our students, staff, College Board, families and alumni. As a community we celebrate our unity in diversity, Enriching the common good. Give us grace to grow in our relationship with You and each other, Maturing to a deeper knowledge and care of all. Grant that we may stand firm in the faith of Jesus Christ. Deo Confidimus. Amen.
Show Choir
Irish Blessing Directed by Mrs S M Roberts
Concert Band La Madre de los Gatos By Brian Beck Directed by Mrs S M Roberts
Years 11 and 12 Programme
14 November 2023
Scholars Evening- Years 11 and 12 '
YEAR 11 To be announced by Mr N J Brice, Deputy Headmaster
Heath Walker Queensland Certificate of Education Awarded to a student on the basis of their school assessment in their Queensland Certificate of Education subjects. Donated by Somerset College 1st Legal Studies
1st Biology 1st Business 1st Chemistry
Sarah McSwan Penelope Deacon Penelope Deacon Emmeline Anthony Emmeline Anthony Tyler Pemberton Penelope Deacon Jaden Lee
Laurens Brisbane Jisu (Lael) Jeon
1st Literature
1st Mathematical Methods
1st Digital Solutions
Elliot Bartley
1st Modern History
1st Drama
Matilda Guthrie
1st Music
1st Economics
Mical Ma
1st Philosophy and Reason 1st Physical Education
1st Engineering and The QUT Dean’s Award for Engineering Technology
Ekheera Birk
1st Physics
1st English
Jisu (Lael) Jeon
1st Psychology
Sienna Moss
1st Film, Television and New Media
Emily Dopper Kyden Thomasson Ali Al-Jumaily Sarah Hammett
1st Specialist Mathematics
Sixian (Gene) Wu
1st Visual Art
Secret Goetz
1st French
The Griffith University 2023 Spark Award
To be announced
1st General Mathematics
1st Geography
Aveline (Avie) Rounsley
3rd Year 11 QCE 2nd Year 11 QCE 1st Year 11 QCE
To be announced To be announced To be announced
1st German
William Warwick Penelope Deacon
1st Italian
The ‘A Collectoribos Selecti’ Award
To be announced
Year 11 Awards
14 November 2023
Cum Laude Awards To be announced by Mr N J Brice, Deputy Headmaster
After each reporting period, students who achieve at the highest level in the majority of their subjects are presented with a Cum Laude Award. Seniors who meet the following criteria will graduate Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude or Summa Cum Laude.
Summa Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude (with the highest praise) for achieving a Cum Laude Award in all eligible semesters. Amy Barry James Bindra Megan Cattell Isabelle (Izzy) Chang Steffani (Steff) Chang Yuvraj (Yuvi) Chauhan Joselene Chen Joshua Cotton Georgia Daly Rhea Dawson Riley Dennings Ella Flowers Mia Gillespie Matthew Goldie Hayden Goldsmith Molly Green Jayavi Gunaruwan Heidi Hoffman Sooji (Isabel) Hong Wei-Hwa (Tanya) Hsieh Mia Huang Victoria Huang Alice Jones Phoenix Kyaw Georgina Littleton Tyler Longfield Alexandra Lowth Benjamin Major Ava McCarthy Jenna Miller Olivia Mullins Aditya Naik Matthew Nickels Mao Oishi Isabella Ong Ashlee Park Iona Radcliffe Niamh Rogers Elsa Sandholt Isabella Seymour Luke Shirley Tristan Song Jemma Studdon Belle Toohey Momone Uchida Rishi Veeramachaneni
Cum Laude Cum Laude (with praise) for achieving a Cum Laude Award in Year 12. Rishi Athota William Baker Giselle Burke Chris Charisiou Marley Chatterjee Evan Cosson Max Deffenti Bayley d'Hotman de Villiers Lucia Dopper Alexandra (Alex) Halloran Jake Johnson Angus Kennett William (Will) Martin Timothy McSwan Lucy Millar Liam Moller Mahee Navaratne Marika Ransfield Yathish Soni Lillian Tan Marie Warneke Tamiah Wormell Magna Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude (with great praise) for achieving a Cum Laude Award in all but one of the eligible semesters. Sofia Arase Cassius Astill-Torchia Kaelyn Dolan Rebecca Hill Ellise Lim Lisa Muvirimi Kate Roder Sophie Ward-Harvey Yuan (Oliver) Yang
International Baccalaureate Diploma Awards To be announced by Mrs M A Sauer, Dean of Studies
Awarded to a student on the basis of their school assessment in their International Baccalaureate Diploma subjects. Donated by Somerset College
The Ros Bates MP Trophy for Creativity Action Service
1st Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (HL)
Isabella Ong
Sooji (Isabel) Hong
1st Mathematics: Applications and Interpretations (SL)
1st Business Management
Steffani (Steff) Chang
Lillian Tan
1st Biology
Alexandra Lowth Megan Cattell Megan Cattell Heidi Hoffman Alexandra Lowth
1st Philosophy 1st Physics (HL)
Heidi Hoffman
1st Chemistry 1st Economics
Megan Cattell 1st Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay (Combined) Heidi Hoffman 1st Visual Art (HL) Emily Blatchford 1st Visual Art (SL) Sooji (Isabel) Hong 1st Combined Results for Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay Alexandra Lowth
1st Language A: Literature 1st Language B: French
1st Language B: Italian ‘ab initio’ 1st Language B: Japanese
Steffani (Steff) Chang Sooji (Isabel) Hong
1st History
Heidi Hoffman
1st Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches (SL)
2nd in the IB Diploma
To be announced
Steffani (Steff) Chang
Year 12 Awards
14 November 2023
Scholars Evening- Years 11 and 12 '
YEAR 12 To be announced by Mrs M A Sauer, Dean of Studies
MAJOR AWARDS - SUBJECT To be announced by Mrs M A Sauer, Dean of Studies
Queensland Certificate of Education Awards 1st Ancient History
The Technology Award Awarded to the student in the Senior Class with the best results in a combination of Information Processing and/or Technology and Engineering Technology. Endowed by Emeritus Professor William J Caelli Business Award Awarded to the student in the Senior Class with the best results in a combination of subjects which may include Business, Business
Elsa Sandholt Tristan Song Phoenix Kyaw
1st Biology 1st Business 1st Chemistry 1st Economics
Yuvraj (Yuvi) Chauhan
Benjamin Major
1st Engineering and The QUT Dean’s Award for Engineering Technology 1st English and the Dr and Mrs Kearney Prize for English
Joshua Cotton
Management or Economics. Endowed by Mr Ron Bowden
Jenna Miller Tristan Song Amy Barry Julia Puhalla Ashlee Park Iona Radcliffe Belle Toohey
1st English and Literature Extended 1st Film, Television and New Media
The Prize for Social Sciences Awarded to the student in the Senior Class with the best combined
1st French
1st General Mathematics
results in Ancient History and/or Modern History. Endowed by Dr Eleanor Crosby, Foundation Parent
1st Geography
1st German and the Mrs Katja Kearney Prize for German Language
Jenna Miller Niamh Rogers
Arts/Humanities Award Awarded to the student in the Senior Class with the best results in a combination of subjects which may include Ancient and Modern History, Geography, English, Drama and Languages. Endowed by Dr John Kearney, QC and Mrs Alison Kearney Mathematics Award Awarded to the student in the Senior Class with the best combined results in Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics (QCE) and/or IB Mathematics HL and Further Mathematics. Endowed by Mr and Mrs A E Ramsay The Prize for Science Awarded to the student in the Senior Class with the best results in any two of Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Psychology. Endowed by Dr John Kearney The Somerset Alumni Association Endowed Award Awarded to a student in the Senior Class for the greatest
1st Japanese
Mao Oishi
1st Legal Studies
Joselene Chen Olivia Mullins
1st Literature
1st Mathematical Methods
Aditya Naik
1st Modern History
Ava McCarthy
1st Music
Phoenix Kyaw Liam Moller Yuan (Oliver) Yang Marika Ransfield
1st Music Extension (Performance) 1st Music Extension (Composition)
Will Martin
1st Philosophy and Reason 1st Physical Education
Angus Kennett Tyler Longfield
1st Physics
Alice Jones
1st Psychology
Jemma Studdon
1st Specialist Mathematics
Aditya Naik Belle Toohey
1st Visual Art and The Frangos Family Art Prize
Year 12 Awards | Major Awards
Honour Board Awards Citizenship
To be announced To be announced To be announced
Drama Music
contribution to a single aspect of school life. Endowed by the Somerset Alumni Association
The Hinwood Award Awarded to the student in the Senior Class who has given outstanding service to the students of the College through Committee work. Donated by Dr Rhyl Hinwood
14 November 2023
MAJOR AWARDS To be announced by Mrs M A Sauer, Dean of Studies
The ‘Exceptional Achiever’ Award Awarded to the student in the Senior Class who has achieved at a high level in academics, music and sport. Endowed by Mr and Mrs K Tandy The Division 9 Councillor’s Encouragement Award Awarded to the student in the Senior Class who has been ever willing to participate in the life of the College. Endowed by Councillor Glenn Tozer The A J D Bell Award This was endowed by the College Board to mark the time given by the former Mayor of the Gold Coast, Mr Lex Bell, as Foundation Chairman. It is awarded to the student who has performed best in Legal Studies, English, Mooting and/or Debating. Endowed by the College Board The Lorraine Pilgrim Award This prize is to be awarded to the student who has best represented the College in Debating and Public Speaking . Endowed by a member of the College community The Laver Scholarship Awarded on the basis of academic achievement, community service, leadership, sporting and cultural involvement. Donated by the Laver Family The Griffith University Chancellor's Scholarship Awarded to an elite athlete in the Senior Class who is dedicated to their sport and who has accepted the offer to attend Griffith Sports College. Donated by Griffith University
The Bond University Vice Chancellor's Elite Scholarship The Bond Vice Chancellor's Elite Scholarship is awarded to a student in the Senior Class who achieves an ATAR of 92 and above. Donated by Bond University Parents’ and Friends’ Award for Outstanding Service to the College This is awarded to the student in the Senior Class who has given exemplary service to the general Somerset community. This student has proven to be a worthy representative of the College and has contributed to all aspects of College life in a manner reflecting our philosophy. Endowed by the Parents’ and Friends’ Association The Richards Prize and H and J Goblet A prestigious ‘all-rounder’ award presented on behalf of two brothers, Hayden and Justin Richards, who were College Captains of Somerset College in 1997 and 1998. Awarded to a student in the Senior Class who has attained a high academic level, excelled in at least two College activities and has demonstrated a distinguished and unique strength of character and awareness of others exemplified by the following quotations: “Stand up for the weak in spite of the strong” (Hayden Richards) “Stand apart from the throng, neither appearing aloof nor fearing rejection” (Justin Richards) Donated by Dr R Richards and Mrs A Richards Dux Proxime Accessit – Somerset College For the student with the second highest overall results in his or her best five subjects completed for the Queensland Certificate of Education. Endowed by Somerset College Dux of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma – Somerset College For the student with the highest results in internal assessment and predicted grades. Endowed by Somerset College
The Griffith University 'Making it Matter' Scholarship
Awarded to student/s in the Senior Class for who have attained academic excellence and demonstrated exceptional commitment to diversity and inclusion, environmental responsibility, or a strong dedication to ethics and social justice through active and enthusiastic participation in community service or volunteering initiatives Donated by Griffith University
The Craig Bassingthwaighte Medal and Dux of Somerset College
The Bond University Extension Programme Bursary
For the student with the highest overall results in his or her best five subjects completed for the Queensland Certificate of Education. Endowed by Somerset College to honour the enormous contribution and exceptional leadership of Craig Bassingthwaighte.
The Bond Business School Year 12 Extension Program is a two-day workshop where students gain an insight into university life and enrich their senior school studies through real world application of Business or Mathematics. Donated by Bond University
Year 12 Awards | Major Awards
14 November 2023
Scholars Evening- Years 11 and 12 '
YEAR 12 2023
Year 12 2023
Ms. Bronwyn Lee, Ms Melinda Green, Mr Sam Whish-Wilson. Steffani (Steff) Chang, Rebecca Hill, Sophie Darben, Carmen Carter, Charlie Glaser, Gemma Harvie, Eliza Strong, Belle Toohey, Evan Cosson, Lucia Dopper, Niamh Rogers, Momone Uchida. Jenna Miller, Giselle Burke, Sooji (Isabel) Hong, Kaelyn Dolan, Mia Huang, Wei-Hwa (Tanya) Hsieh, Ellise Lim, Atlanta Horan, Marley Chatterjee, Andy Wong-Lin, Hannah Zubair, Megan Cattell, Sophie Ward-Harvey, Georgina Littleton, Kya Flowers. Kate Roder, Oria Mougrabi, Georgia Daly, Elise Mundy, Hayden Goldsmith, Jemma Studdon, Julia Puhalla, Mia Gillespie, Heidi Hoffman, Molly Green, Max Deffenti, James Gell, Eloise (Ellie) Ryan, Abigail Jonker, Nina Ciolli. Matthew Goldie, Riley Dennings, Luke Rana-Smith, William Burns, Kaelim Simona, Jet Miller, Marko Sugden, Nikita Rubis, Luke Buker, Lee Galbraith, Lance Sherrington, Troy Miller, Milo Lamont. Christian Pai, Sebastien Belmonte, Edward (Ed) Lynch, Brooklyn Sabine, Matthew Nickels, Yurvaj (Yuvi) Chauhan, Zhi Dobson, Angus Kennett, Yathish Soni, Wil Hall. Mahee Navaratne, Lachlan Ray.
Year 12 2022 Left to Right Front Row: Ms Jacinta Hyman, Mrs Sally Leslie, Mr Patrick George, Mr Nicholas Brice, Isabella Seymour, Benjamin Major, Mr Craig Bassingthwaighte, Ava McCarthy, Rishi Veeramachaneni, Mrs Allison Foster, 2ND Row: Claudia Mills, Ella Flowers, Trinity Flowers, Alexandra (Alex) Halloran, Amy Barry, Bijou Roberts, Shemeah Poloai, Mao Oishi, Sofia Arase, Lucy Miller, Victoria Huang, Rhea Dawson, Joselene Chen, 3rd Row: Indyanna (Indy) Hammer, Britney Ingr, Tyler Longfield, Jayavi Gunaruwan, Jaidon Jeffriess, Isabella Ong, Lillian Tan, Marika Ransfield, Charlie Pearse, Iona Radcliffe, Jessica Zack-Holt, Allegra Liussi, 4th Row: James Bindra, Emily Blatchford, Alice Jones, William Baker, Nikiah McNamara, Lisa-Marie (Lisa) Muvirimi, Ashlee Park, Luke Shirley, Joe Boone, Sophie Clements, Bayley d’Hotman de Villiers, 5th Row: Rishi Athota, Jack Newman, Bongani Mhlanga, Phoenix Kyaw, Sasha Vitte, Finn Harrison, Tristan Song, Luca Capone, Chris Charisiou, Joshua Cotton, Aditya Naik, Andrew Lin, Yuan (Oliver) Yang, Back Row: Elsa Sandholt, Cassius Astill-Torchia, Jasper Oliver, Fergus George, Liam Moller, Matthew Leal, Armand (Armani) Kujovic, Jake Johnson, Gianni Restiano, William (Will) Martin, Timothy McSwan, Absentees: Lily Peters, Trinity Toia, Tahlia Evans, Crystal McFadyen, Olivia Mullens, Alexandra Lowth, Isabelle (Izzy) Chang, Brianna Kurtz, Marie Warneke, Tatiana Leon, Kartier Marjonovic, Braedan Murdock,
14 November 2023
Thank you.Best wishes in retirement.
JOHN BACON Dean of Admissions 21 Years
SCOTT CUNNINGHAM Information Systems Manager 25 Years
ELLY LYNCH Assistant Head of Department - Science 21 Years
HELEN LITTLE Peripatetic Teacher and Somerset Festival for Young Performers Programme Director 20 Years
Thank you! Best wishes in retirement.
14 November 2023
Scholars Evening- Years 11 and 12 '
Cassius Astill Torchia Year 10 to Year 12
Rishi Athota Years 11 and 12
Joe Boone Year 1 to 12 1st XI Football, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Somerset Under 19 Futsal .
Megan Cattell Prep to Year 12
Sophie Clements Year 9 to Year 12 Sports Captain, Senior AFL, Honour – Athletics;
Joshua Cotton Year 7 to Year 12
Lucia Dopper Year 7 to Year 12
House Captain, Impact Committee, Wordsmiths, Triathlon Squad and High Performance Group, APS Cross Country, Half Colour – Athletics, Cross Country, Wordsmiths; Honour – Triathlon; Senior Sportsperson of the Year; The Craig Sayer Triathlete of the Year Trophy, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Committees: Marketing, Science, Photography; Girls’ Choir, House Plays - Winning Play, Musical, Show Choir, Vocal Group, Climbing, Full Colour – Drama; Honour - Music, Performing Arts; Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Science Committee, Wordsmiths, Half Colour – Wordsmiths; Golf Development, Inter-House Swimming Carnivals.
Half Colour – Tennis, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open B Tennis.
Golf Development, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals. .
Somerset Athlete of the Year, South Coast
Representative Track and Field, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Lee Galbraith Year 7 to Year 12 Beach Volleyball, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
James Gell Year 7 to Year 12
Mia Gillespie Year 3 to Year 12
Jayavi Gunaruwan Year 3 to Year 12 1st XI Football, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Heidi Hoffman Year 7 to Year 12
Sooji (Isabel) Hong Year 7 to Year 12 Somerset Mathematical Society (Leader), Performer: Music Visit to Earl Haven, Sunday@Somerset Series Concert; Recorder Ensemble, Open A Volleyball, Half Colour – Volleyball; Full Colour – Music, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Volunteer: Meals that Make a Difference.
Jake Johnson Year 10 to Year 12 Year 7 Captain, 1st XV Rugby, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals..
House Plays - Winning Play, 1st XI Football, Senior AFL, Inter-House Cross Country (3rd Age Champion 17+) and Swimming (2nd Age Champion 17+) Carnivals, APS Swimming and Cross Country, Half Colour – Triathlon, Drama.
Committees: Marketing, Science (Leader); Girls’ Choir, Open A Volleyball, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Dead Philosophers Club (Leader), House Plays: Director, Winning Play; Open B Netball, Half Colour – Netball; Honour – Drama; Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Abigail Jonker Prep to Year 12 Open A Volleyball, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Kartier Marjanovic Prep to Year 12 Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Timothy McSwan Year 10 to Year 12 Performer: Storyfest, House Plays - Winning Play, Open A Volleyball, Senior AFL, Half Colour – Drama, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Lucy Millar Prep to Year 12
Troy Miller Prep to Year 12
Isabella Ong Year 7 to Year 12 Committees; Impact, Marketing, Senior Sustainable Spartan; Chamber Orchestra, Technical Services Crew, Vocal Group, Wordsmiths, Open B Netball, Half Colour – Netball; Full Colour – Performing Arts, Wordsmiths, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Alice Jones Prep to Year 12
Academic Captain, Committees: Somerset Mathematical Society, Science; House Plays - Winning Play, Somerset College Triathlon Squad, Triathlon Development Group, Climbing, Senior AFL, APS Cross Country, Half Colour – Triathlon, Drama, Volunteer: Disabled Survers Association, Inter-House Swimming and Cross Country.
House Captain, Science Committee, House Plays - Winning Play, Open B Netball, Senior AFL, Half Colour – Netball, Drama; Full Colour – Rugby; Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Volunteer: Disabled Surfers Association.
Golf Development, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Shemeah Poloai Year 10 to Year 12 Open A Basketball, Honour – Basketball; Half Colour – Netball; Age Champion – Athletics (Senior 17+); Sportsperson of the Year – Senior; Somerset Basketballer of the Year, Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Bijou Roberts Year 8 to Year 12 Inter-House Swimming Carnival
Tristan Song Year 5 to Year 12
Rishi Veeramachaneni Year 3 to Year 12 College Vice-Captain, House Plays - Winning Play, GCSSDF Senior Play, Wordsmiths, Honour – Drama; Half Colour – Wordsmiths; Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open A Tennis.
Yuan (Oliver) Yang Year 1 to Year 12 Committees; Mathematical Society, Science; Bands: Concert, Jazz; Performer: Storyfest, Senior Musical Orchestra, Technical Services Crew, 1st XI Football, Open Water Polo, Half Colour – Chess; Honour – Music, Performing Arts; Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Year 12 Andrews
Committees: Impact, Somerset Mathematical Society, Science and Senior Sustainable Spartan; Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming (1st Age Champion Boys 17+, 1st XI Boys Football, APS Cross Country and Swimming, 2nd Age Champion Swimming Open 100m, Volunteering - Disabled Surfers Association.
(Captain). Beach Volleyball Group.
14 November 2023
Amy Barry Year 3 to Year 12
Emily Blatchford Year 10 to Year 12
Carmen Carter Prep to Year 12
Marley Chatterjee Year 7 to Year 12 Chamber Orchestra, Beach Volleyball, Honour – Music; Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Yuvraj (Yuvi) Chauhan Prep to Year 12 Committees; Impact, Somerset Mathematical Society, Science; Technical Services Crew, 1st XI Football, Open B Basketball, Half Colour – Tennis, Wordsmiths, Volunteer: Disabled Surfers Association, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Evan Cosson Prep to Year 12 Art Committee (Leader), Performer: Storyfest, House Plays: Winner - Adjudicator’s Award; Men’s Chorus, Musical, Show Choir, Vocal Group, Full Colour – Music; Honour – Performing Arts; Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming (Captain) Carnivals.
Zhi Dobson Prep to Year 12 Committees: Impact, Somerset Mathematical Society, Science, Senior Sustainable Spartan; Open A Basketball, 2nd XI Football, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Year 7 Captain, 1st XI Football, Senior AFL, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Impact Committee, Open A Debating, Beach Volleyball Group, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
2nd XI Football, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Tahlia Evans Year 11 to Year 12 Open A Netball, QISSN, South Coast Representative – Netball, APS Cross Country, Honour – Netball; Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Charlie Glaser Year 7 to Year 12
Matthew Goldie Year 7 to Year 12 House Captain, Bands: Concert, Jazz; Performer: Storyfest, 1st XI Football, Senior AFL, Honour – Music; Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Gemma Harvie Year 11 to Year 12
Atlanta Horan Year 9 to Year 12
Wei-Hwa (Tanya) Hsieh Prep to Year 12 Impact Committee, Senior Eisteddfod Dance, 1st XI Football, Half Colour – Football; Somerset Football Player of the Year; Full Colour – Performing Arts, Volunteer: Walk with Us; Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Benjamin Major Year 2 to Year 12
2nd XI Football, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Senior Eisteddfod Dance Group, 2nd XI Football, Under 19 Somerset Futsal, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
House Plays: Winner - Adjudicator’s Award;
College Captain, Committees: Impact,
Somerset Mathematical Society, Science, Senior Sustainable Spartan; Open B Tennis, Myall Creed Commemorative Service, Volunteer: Disabled Sufers Association, Walk with Us; Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Physical Therapy Group, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Matthew Nickels Prep to Year 12 Committees: Impact, Somerset Mathematical Society (Leader), Science, Senior Sustainable Spartan; 1st XI Football, Senior AFL, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Luke Rana-Smith Year 7 to Year 12 Open A Basketball, APS Cross Country, Honour – Basketball; Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Marika Ransfield Year 7 to Year 12 Open B Netball, Half Colour - Netball, Inter House Swimming Carnival.
Kate Roder Year 7 to Year 12
Niamh Rogers Year 3 to Year 12 House Plays: Winner - Adjudicator’s Award, Open A Debating, 2nd XI Football, Full Colour – Debating; Honour – Drama; Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Nikita Rubis Year 3 to Year 12 T2 Volleyball, Inter House Cross Country Carnival.
Eloise (Ellie) Ryan Year 8 to Year 12 House Plays: Director, Winner - Adjudicator’s Award, Open A Volleyball, Full Colour – Drama; Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Lance Sherrington Prep to Year 12 Beach Volleyball Group, Senior AFL, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
House Captain, 1st XI Football, Senior AFL, Full Colour – AFL, Under 19 Somerset Futsal, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Kaelim Simona Year 11 to Year 12 1st XV Rugby, Full Colour – Rugby; Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Jemma Studdon Year 10 to Year 12 Open A Volleyball, Somerset Volleyballer of the Year, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Marko Sugden Prep to Year 12
Belle Toohey Year 1 to Year 12
Momone Uchida Year 7 to Year 12 Committees: Science, Senior Sustainable Spartan; Performer: Storyfest, Show Choir, Senior String Orchestra, Vocal Group, Wordsmiths, Open B Volleyball, Honour – Music; Half Colour – Wordsmiths; Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Volunteer: Disabled Surfers Association, Teacher Assistant - Japanese School.
Sasha Vitte Prep to Year 12 1st XV Rugby, Senior AFL, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Tamiah Wormell Year 2 to Year 12 Art Committee.
Jessica Zack-Holt Year 10 to Year 12 2nd XI Football, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Beach Volleyball, Senior AFL, Full Colour – AFL, Inter House Swimming Carnival.
Year 12 Franklin
14 November 2023
Scholars Evening- Years 11 and 12 '
Giselle Burke Year 5 to Year 12 House Play, 2nd XI Football, Homeless Sleepout Campaign, Half Colour – AFL; Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Joselene Chen Prep to Year 12
Georgia Daly Year 2 to Year 12 House Captain, House Plays: Winner - Best Actor Award; 1st XI Football, Senior AFL, APS Cross Country, Full Colour – AFL; Somerset AFL Player of the Year; Full Colour – Drama, Under 19 Somerset Futsal, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Kaelyn Dolan Prep to Year 12 Senior Eisteddfod Dance Group, House Plays: Director; Open A Volleyball, Full Colour – Drama; Honour – Performing Arts; Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Fergus George Year 5 to Year 12
Indyanna (Indy) Hammer Year 8 to Year 12 Open A Volleyball, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Finn Harrison Year 1 to Year 12
Committees: Science, Senior Sustainable Spartan; Mooting - Bond University, Golf Development, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
T2 Volleyball, Senior AFL, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
T2 Volleyball, Senior AFL, Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Britney Ingr Year 8 to Year 12 Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Jaidon Jeffriess Prep to Year 12
Armand (Armani) Kujovic Year 4 to Year 12 T2 Volleyball, Senior AFL, Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Brianna Kurtz Year 7 to Year 12 Open A Netball, Open B Netball, Honour – Netball; Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Milo Lamont Year 4 to Year 12 Beach Volleyball Group, Inter-House Cross Country Carnival.
Matthew Leal Prep to Year 12
Tyler Longfield Year 6 to Year 12
Senior Hockey, Half Colour – Hockey; The Little Family Hockey Trophy, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
1st XI Football, Senior AFL, Under 19 Somerset Futsal, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Sports Captain, Open A Basketball, APS Cross Country, Honour – Basketball, 2nd XI Football, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Alexandra Lowth Year 11 to Year 12 Committees: Impact, Dead Philosophers Club; Beach Volleyball Group, Volunteer: Disabled Surfers Association, Walk with Us; Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
William (Will) Martin Year 4 to Year 12 Men’s Chorus, Musical, Volunteer: Somerset Festival for Young Performers, Vocal Group, Honour – Performing Arts, 1st XI Football, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Ava McCarthy Prep to Year 12
Nikiah McNamara Year 2 to Year 12 1st XI Football, Senior AFL, Half Colour – AFL, Football, Under 19 Somerset Futsal, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Bongani Mhlanga Year 8 to Year 12 1st XI Football, Half Colour – Football, Futsal, Under 19 Somerset Futsal, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Claudia Mills Prep to Year 12
Liam Moller Year 5 to Year 12
College Captain, House Plays: Director; Somerset Actors’ Studio, GCSSDF Senior Play, Wordsmiths, 1st XI Football, Senior AFL, Half Colour – AFL; Honour – Drama, Wordsmiths; Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Dead Philosophers Club, Beach Volleyball Group, Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Senior Hockey, Half Colour – Hockey; Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Elise Mundy Year 4 to Year 12
Jack Newman Prep to Year 12 Committees; Impact, Photography, 2nd XI Football, Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Lily Peters Prep to Year 12
Luke Shirley Year 3 to Year 12
Lillian Tan Year 7 to Year 12 Committees: Impact, Dead Philosophers Club (Leader), Science (Leader), Photography; Tier 2 Volleyball, Inter House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Trinity Toia Year 8 to Year 12
Andy Wong Lin Year 4 to Year 12
House Captain, Science Committee, Wordsmiths, 1st XI Football, Honour – Athletics; Somerset Athlete of the Year; Half Colour - Wordsmiths, Under 19 Somerset Futsal, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Volunteer: Disabled Surfers Association, Tennis Coach Assistant, Bangalow Koalas
Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
2nd XI Football, Senior AFL, Inter-House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Open A Netball, Honour – Netball; Inter-House Swimming Carnival.
Open A Volleyball, Inter House Cross Country Carnival.
Year 12 Laver
14 November 2023
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