2022 IB Diploma Extended Essays

The following ROS architecture implements Hector SLAM. The LIDAR sensor goes through a laser_scan_matcher ros node, The laser_scan_matcher package is an incremental laser scan registration node. This packages scan matches between the sensor_msgs/Laser scan published from the LiDAR and allow the onboard computation to estimate the position of the laser relative to the scene as a geometry_msgs/Pose2D or a tf transform. This then creates the hector mapping 2D reconstruction of the scene as the depth is found through the pose. The pose values from the hector mapping is then fed into the teb_local_planner. This ROS package is used to create an online optimal local trajectory for mobile robot control and of autonomous navigation. Once the path is calculated, it is sent to the controller which in this case is the Jetson Nano, the pwm controls are then sent to the motor driver and the servo controller in order to drive and steer the robot.

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