2022 Athletics Carnival Programme

YEAR 3 9 YEARS 10 YEARS 11 YEARS 12 YEARS 13 YEARS 14 YEARS 15 YEARS 16 YEARS SENIOR 8.45amto10.00am 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m* Discus Triple Jump Long Jump Shot Put High Jump 10.00amto11.30am Long Jump Shot Put Discus Long Jump High Jump* 100m 100m 100m 100m 100m

11.30amto12.30pm 200m 200m 200m 200m JS 200m Triple Jump Javelin Shot Put High Jump Discus 12.15amto1.15pm Shot Put Long Jump High Jump Discus JS -Long Jump SS - 800m 800m 800m 800m 800m 800m

1.15pmto2.15pm 4 x 100m 4 x 100m 4 x 100m 4 x 100m 4 x 100m* Javelin Shot Put Discus Triple Jump Long Jump 2.15pmto3.15pm 4 x 100m 4 x 100m 4 x100m 4 x 100m 4 x 100m 3.15pm Drop tents, rubbish clean-up 3.30pmto3.45pm Awards

Page 10 40th Annual House Athletics Carnival

Instructions to Competitors If you find a field event and track event you are competing in are scheduled for the same time: the track event takes precedence. Inform the Field Event Marshal of your intention to compete, then report to the track event. Track events will not be delayed. You must return to the field event before its scheduled conclusion. * JS 12 Years compete before SS 12 Years


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