2021 Scholars' Evening Book - Years 11 12
Scholars Evening- Years 11 and 12 '
Caitlin Anderson Years 8 to 12 House Captain, Inter-House Athletics (Age Champion), APS Athletics and Cross Country, Senior T2 Volleyball, Open A Touch (Ca ptain), Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Team Award, Half Colour: Athletics.
Blake Andrews Years 6 to 12 Senior Tier 2 Basketball, Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, 2nd XI Soccer,
Xuanyu (Kevin) Bao Years 8 to 12 Science Committee, Somerset Mathematical Society, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Taia Chapman Years 4 to 12 Open A Touch, Open B Netball,
Mitchell Cook Prep to Year 12
Lachlan Froggatt Years 3 to 12 Open B Basketball, Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, Open A Volleyball,
Isabelle Furrows Years 4 to 12 International Committee, Wordsmiths, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open A Volleyball,
Senior AFL, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Jessica Gore-Jones Years 11 and 12 Senior AFL, Senior T2 Volleyball,
Albert Kuo Years 1 to 12 Senior Tier 2 Basketball, Golf Development, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Soumia Lamont Years 6 to 12
Jasmine Lu Years 7 to 12 Full Colour: Music, Day of Dance, Girls' Choir, Show Choir, Vocal Group, Beach Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open Softball.
Zihui (Chloe) Ming Prep to Year 12 Golf Development, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Prosper Nwoko Years 10 to 12 APS Athletics, Open A Touch, Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals.
Wilson Partridge Prep to Year 12 APS Cross Country, Open A Basketball (Captain), Inter- House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open A Volleyball, Somerset Basketball Club, Spartans Basketball U/20 Blue, Full Colour: Basketball
Honour: Drama, Full Colour: Performing Arts and Music, Philosophy Club, Day of Dance GCSSDF Senior Play, Girls' Choir, House Play Festival - Winning Play, Musical, Show Choir, Vocal Group, Wordsmiths, Girls T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open Softball.
Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, Half Colour: AFL,
Nikhil Patel Prep to Year 12 House Captain, 1st XV Rugby, Senior AFL, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Half Colour: Rugby
Cruz Pearson Years 3 to 12 Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Cross Country Carnival
Giulia Provenzano Years 6 to 12 Spirit of Somerset, Full Colour: Drama, International Committee, Philosophy Club, House Play Festival - Winning Play, House Play, Wordsmiths, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open Softball
Wan Hoe (Dylan) Ryu Prep to Year 12 Committees: Art, Science, Senior Sustainable Spartan, Somerset Mathematical Society, Golf Development, Inter- House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
India Seccombe Years 11 and 12
Patrick Sowerby Years 2 to 12 College Vice-Captain, 1st XV Rugby, Senior AFL, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Full Colour: Rugby, South Coast Team Selections
Lilliana Swainson Years 6 to 12 Service Captain, Order of Australia Association - 2021 Secondary Schools Citizenship Award, Committees: Impact, International, Philosophy Club, Wordsmiths, Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, Open C Netball, Team Award,
Inter-House Cross Country (Age Champion), APS Cross Country (Captain) and Athletics, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, South Coast Cross Country Trials, Sport Team Captains - Open, Honours: Athletics and Cross Country
Tenaysha Thomasson Year 2 to 12 Honour: Music, Chamber Orchestra, Concert Band, Flute Ensemble, Girls' Choir, Vocal Group, Inter- House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open C Netball, MVP Award.
Amaris Toia Years 10 to 12
Frank Tomlinson Years 10 to 12 Senior Tier 2 Basketball, Golf Development, Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals
Ethan Wilkin Prep to Year 12 Senior Tier 2 Basketball, Senior T2 Volleyball,
Callum Wilkins Years 6 to 12 1st XV Rugby, Inter- House Swimming (Age Champion), APS Athletics, Open A Touch, Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, Half Colour: Rugby, South Coast Team Selections
Shing Fong (Ian) Yuen Years 10 to 12 Senior T2 Volleyball,
Nicholas Tan Years 9 to 12
Open A Netball (Captain), APS Athletics,
College Captain, Full Colour: Drama, Committees: Functions, Impact, Science; Somerset Mathematical Society, House Plays - Winning Play, Wordsmiths, Age Champion Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming, APS Swimming (Captain), Athletics and Cross Country, Open A Volleyball, Honour: Triathlon, Half Colour: Cross Country South Coast Cross Country Trials, Open Water Polo (Captain).
Year 12 Laver
Open A Basketball, Inter-House Cross Country Carnival, Honour: Netball South Coast Team Selections
16 November 2021
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