2021 Scholars' Evening Book - Years 11 12
Flynn Allan Years 2 to 12 Senior AFL, Inter-House Athletics Carnival, 2nd XI Soccer
Leigh Amores Years 6 to 12 College Vice-Captain, Half Colour: Performing Arts, Committees: Functions, Impact, International, Science, Senior Sustainable Spartan, Day of Dance, Open A Debating, Senior Eisteddfod Dance Group, Wordsmiths, Inter- House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open A Volleyball, Full Colour: Wordsmiths
William (Will) Barry Years 5 to 12 House Captain, Science Committee, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Yeva Brereton Years 5 to 12
Ziqi (Zali) Cheng Years 10 to 12
Ryan Collins Years 8 to 12 Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open B Tennis,
Emily Cosson Years 1 to 12
Honour: Drama, Battle of the Bands, House Play, House Play Festival - Adjudicator's Award (Director), Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, Open A Volleyball.
Open B Tennis, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Honour: Performing Arts, Day of Dance, House Play, Musical, Senior Eisteddfod Dance Group, Beach Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Thomas Dawson Prep to Year 12 APS Cross Country, Athletics Squad, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, MVP Award
Ashton Govenlock Years 7 to 12 1st XV Rugby, APS Athletics, Open A Touch (Captain), Inter- House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Half Colour: Rugby, South Coast Team Selections,
Pippi Harris Years 7 to 12 House Captain, APS Cross Country, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross
Diaz Henry Years 6 to 12
Charlize Hinze Years 7 to 12
Aarav Khurana Years 5 to 12 Senior Tier 2 Basketball, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Swimming Carnival,
Sebastian Leat Prep to Year 12 Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, 2nd XI Soccer,
APS Athletics, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals,
Honour: Music and Performing Arts, Day of Dance, House Play, Musical, Show Choir, Vocal Group, Beach Volleyball, Inter- House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Country and Swimming Carnivals, MVP Award,
Guo (Antonio) LIn Years 10 to 12 Honour: Music, Science Committee (Leader), Chamber Orchestra, Debating, Evatt Competition, Musical Orchestra, Senior B Debating, Senior String Orchestra, Senior String Quartet, Wordsmiths Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open C Tennis.
Eliza Lovett Years 10 to 12 Storyfest, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Senior A Hockey, Half Colour: Hockey.
Lucy MacDonald Years 6 to 12 Half Colour: Performing Arts, Technical Services Crew, Technical Services for GC Secondary School Drama Festival and Storyfest, Senior AFL (Captain), 1st XI Soccer, Inter- House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Team Award, Somerset Ulsport Cup, South Coast Team Selections, Full Colour: Football, Half Colour: AF
Brianne Major Years 4 to 12 Honours in Student Leadership, Science Committee, Open A Tennis, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Jazz (Iris) Monod Years 10 to 12 International Committee, Wordsmiths, Beach Volleyball,
Alexander Nelson Years 8 to 12 Senior Tier 2 Basketball, Golf Development, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Marcus Nguyen Prep to Year 12
Photography Committee Wordsmiths, Beach Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Will Toohey Years 3 to 12 Chapel Sacristan, House Play, 1st XV Rugby, Senior AFL, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals
André Vasquez Years 6 to 12
Nada Wilson Years 6 to 12
Byron Wormell Years 1 to 12
William (Will) Roder Years 9 to 12
Eleanor (Ella) Stewart Years 5 to 12 Honour: Performing Arts, Full Colour: Drama, House Play, Musical, House Play Festival - Adjudicator's Award (Director), Inter-House Athletics Carnival, Open A Volleyball,
Wordsmiths, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnival, Senior Hockey, Half Colour: Hockey
Rehab Group
Honours in Student Leadership, Debating, Mooting Club, Open A
Year 7 Captain, House Play, Wordsmiths, Golf
Development, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open Water Polo (Captain),
Debating, Wordsmiths, YMCA Queensland Youth Parliament, Open A Tennis (Captain), Inter- House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Half Colour: Tennis
Year 12 Franklin
16 November 2021
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