2021 Scholars' Evening Book - Years 11 12
Tuesday 16 November 2021 | The Great Hall Scholars Evening '
Years 11 and 12
Information About Somerset College
JUNIOR SCHOOL TEACHERS Mrs R J Ah Fook, B Ed, Dip Ed Ms M A Black, M Teach, B Mus Ed, Grad Cert Religious Ed Mrs N M Boone, BA (Hons) ICT Mr W J Boston, B Ed, Grad Cert Ed Law Mr S Cowling, B Primary Ed, Dip Bus Mgt, Cert III Mar Cft Const Mrs C G G Doyle , B P Ed Mrs L Eastwell, B Ed, Assoc Dip Ed Ms N Fann, B Ed, B Bus Ms J C George, M Ed (Gifted), B Ed, Dip T, ATCL (Speech and Drama) Mrs K S Grigg (Class of 2005), B Ed, Austswim Certified Mrs L Grocott, B Sc, Grad Dip Ed Mrs K Hall, B Teach Mr A J Halloran, Dip T, Grad Dip Arts Mrs D Jordan, Grad Dip Ed
Eliana Brienza
FOUNDED - 28 January 1983
Peggy Webber
Sophie Beer
MOTTO “Deo Confidimus” (In God We Trust)
Eliza Davenport
COLLEGE BOARD Mr A Hickey OAM, LLB (Hons) [Chairman] Mr P W Trimble, GAICD, B Com and ACPA [Deputy Chairman] Mrs A E Appel ( Class of 2003), B Bus Mr S Chan , LLB Mr J Cordner (Class of 1990), CPA, F Fin, BCom Mrs B Simmons , CA, BBus Mr M Sowerby, M Bus Admin, Grad Dip App Fin and Inv. Mrs P Thurnwald, B Sc, Grad Dip Phty, Grad Dip Adv Manip Ther and MPhty Mr B Young PARENTS’ AND FRIENDS’ ASSOCIATION Mrs J Cirocco [President] SOMERSET ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Mrs Sally Leslie (Class of 1992) [President]
Lava Lopez
Frances Ng
Mrs M Kiddle ( Class of 1991), Grad Dip Ed Miss K E Leslie, Grad Dip Ed, B Mus, M Mus St Mrs S Louis-Punch, B Ed, DipT Ms J Lu, M Teach, B Dig Med, B Design Mrs K D McLaughlin, B Ed Miss C McMillan, B Ed Mr J A Mitchell, B Ed, TT for STEAA Mrs N B Nugent, B Ed
Charlotte Hassett
Ellie Davies
Mr M Pitura, B Ed, B Teach Mrs J S Proctor, B Ed, B Bus
Mr C T Bassingthwaighte, MA (Griffith), B Ed Studies (Qld), BA, Dip T, FACE, FCEOI, MACEL DEPUTY HEADMASTER Mr N J Brice, B Ed, B Arts CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Mr D C Thornton, BA (Hons), MBA (AGSM), CA (ICAA, ICAEW), GAICD HEAD OF SENIOR SCHOOL Mrs A Foster, M Arts, B Arts, Dip Ed, Grad Dip Public Relations HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL Ms R J Collie, M Ed, B Ed, B Teach, GKIHSM DEAN OF STUDIES Mrs M A Sauer, M Ed, B Ed, Dip T, MACE, GAICD DEAN OF ADMISSIONS Mr K J Bacon, B Sc (Hons), Dip Ed, Grad Dip Ed Admin, F Edplus DEAN OF ACTIVITIES Mr C A Sayer, B Ed, Dip T (Phys Ed) DEAN OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Ms L Thomson, M Ed, BA, Grad Dip, MACEL DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES Ms F G Smith, Grad Cert HR, Cert IV Assess & WPlace Train Mrs K M R Sherrington, B Com (Acc), CPA INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGER Mr D S Cunningham, MCP, FIBMS JUNIOR SCHOOL ASSISTANT HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL – CURRICULUM AND PYP Mrs B C Millican, M Ed, B Ed, Dip T, Grad Cert Ment Hlth, Cert Gifted and Talented Ed, MACE ASSISTANT HEAD OF JUNIOR SCHOOL – PASTORAL AND OPERATIONS Mr T W Zernike, M Ed, B App Sc (Human Movement), B Ed, MACE EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TO THE HEADMASTER Mrs W J Bacon FINANCE MANAGER
Mr E S Roberts, B Ed (Early Child), B Int Bus Ms S Rosentreter, B Ed, Dip Chld Serv Miss K L Russell, B Ed Mr N J Scott, Grad Dip Ed, B Comm Ms N L Sheppard, B Ed Mrs B Simpson, B Ed Mrs G N Skinner, B Primary Ed Miss R Skyring, B Ed Mrs L Spanner, Dip Ed, Dip Spec Ed Mr J Stafford, B Ed Mrs D Swainson, B Arts, Grad Dip Ed, Grad Cert Mgt Miss K Webb, B Arts, B Sci, M Bus Adm [Junior School Sport Co-ordinator] Mrs B G Weintrop, M Ed, Cert Ed, B Arts Mrs J White, B Ed, Grad Cert Sc, Adv Dip Child Serv Mrs O M Woolley, B Ed Mrs K Zernike, BA (Hons), Grad Dip Ed ADMINISTRATION Mrs L Keefer [Administrative Assistant – Junior School] Mrs B Yam, M Ed, B Soc Sc [Administrator – Junior School] LEARNING ENHANCEMENT Ms N R Saint, M Sp Ed, B Ed, Dip Ed, Dip TESOL Mrs A J Tayler, M Ed, B Ed, B Teach, Ass Dip Ed. TEACHER ASSISTANTS Mrs J Ardill-Walker Mrs V A Argus Mrs J D Coffey Mrs I C Eksteen, Grad Dip Early Ed, B.Soc.Sci (Hons), Cert.III Ed Sup Mrs N Flick Mrs C Flint Mrs V M Fuller Mrs J Gazal Mr M V Hall, Cert III Bus Adm Mrs F Larsen Mrs N L Leonardi , Cert III Ed Sup Mrs A Moy , Cert III Ed Sup Mr C Moy Mr T J Neagle Miss E Ng Mrs E O’Nuallain Ms N Penrose Mrs L M Perrin Mrs S Powell Mrs K Radcliffe, B Teach Mrs M J Ulliana, Cert III in Ed Support Mrs A M Willis, Cert III in Ed Support Mrs A M Walsh, Grad Dip T, B PE Ms T Wingrove, Dip Ed Sup, Cert III Ed Sup Mrs N L Wyatt, B Ed, Cert III Ed Supp Mrs S Young
Hannah Kennedy
Leigh Amores
Alexis (Jade) Bailey
Momoe Gondo
Eva Wingrove
Lilliana Swainson
Serenity Thake
Kushi Tumkur
Jemma Clements
Pippi Harris
Caitlin Anderson
Jinjin Wang
Miku Adachi
16 November 2021
SENIOR SCHOOL HEADS OF DEPARTMENT Mr A E Abdou (Class of 1990), M Ed Mgt, Grad Dip Ed, B Arts, Dip Civ Eng [Mathematics] Mr D P Coleman, M Ed, Grad Dip Ed,
PERIPATETIC TEACHERS DANCE Miss M C Parkinson Miss L L Hourne Miss H N Wallace, Cert IV Dance, Cert III and IV Fit, Mr R J Weavers, Cert IV Dance Miss P E Young INSTRUMENTAL Ms J L Carnell, Grad Cert Music St Ms A John, B Arts, Cert Music, Assoc Dip Pianoforte Mrs L G Kirstein, C Mus A Mrs K L McGrath, M Ed, B Mus Mr B Leader, B Mus Ed, A Mus A Mrs H Little, Grad Dip Mus T, Ass Mus [Programme Co-ordinator Somerset Festival for Young Performers] Mr R D Pearce, Dip Inst Music Ms C Burgess Mrs C Flint, B Fn Arts COMMUNITY RELATIONS Ms N Higgs, M Arts Media, B Journalism [Co- ordinator – Communications] Miss E L Thompson, B Arts Mrs P L Woods [ Registrar] EVENTS Mrs A M Lewis, B Bus, Dip Events [Events Manager] Dr F M Brohier, PhD, BA (Hons), Dip Ed, M Litt, MACE [Artistic Director – Storyfest] Ms T Haynes, Dip Graphic Design, B Dig Media [Administrative Assistant – Events] Ms C L Knight, B Arts, Grad Dip Arts Mgt [Events Assistant - Storyfest] Ms G Lennon, B Bus, Cert Event Mgt [Administrative Assistant – Events] Miss C L Wade , Cert III Hosp [Administrative Assistant – Events] INFORMATION SERVICES and INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES Ms G M Hill, Dip Bus Programming [Administrator – Computer Systems] Mrs H Hockings [Information Technology Support Officer] Mrs S Johnson [Administrative Assistant – Information Technologies] Mr D A May [Information Systems Administrator] Mr G M Peel (Class of 2014), Dip Bus, AIMs [IT Help Desk Support Officer] Mr P J Shapcott [Technical Assistant – Computing] Mrs S Vanderwerff, B IT (Info Serv), Assoc Deg Sci (Lib Tech) [Administrator – Information Services] Mrs J Walsh, Dip Lib/InfoServ [Administrative Assistant – Information Services] Mr P Wilton, Cert II Info Tech, B Info Tech [Software and System Administrator] Mr D C White [Information Technology Support Officer] Mr J J Reid, B Music Ms S Sigley, B Arts Mr P J Soalheira, M Teach, B Music SPEECH AND DRAMA Ms J Irvine, B Ed, B Arts Ms K M Skelton, ATCL
Mr J J Grocott, B Ed, Dip T Mr B J Harrison, Grad Dip Ed, B Arts Mr A Hawtin, M Ed St (Maths), Grad Dip Ed, B Biomedical Sc, B Pharmaceutical Sc Ms C V Hill, B Physical and Outdoor Ed Ms S Isayama, B Teach, B Arts Miss C Jeflea, Grad Dip Ed, B Comm/Laws Mr G Jones, B Ed, Dip T Mr G T Juniper, B Ec, Grad Dip Ed Mr I Kamei, BA, Grad Dip Ed Mr M Keczan, M Mus St, M Int Rel, B Mus Perf, P Grad Dip Ed Mr R D Keefer, B Ed, Dip T Ms B E Lee (Class of 2004), M Ed Prac, B Comm Mr R J McGrath, M Ed Lead, Grad Dip Ed, B Sci Mr M G McLaughlin, Grad Dip Ed, B App Sci Mr E G Miller, Dip T Mrs H F Moffatt, M Arts, B Arts, Grad Dip Ed, Grad Cert Ed Mrs M Morel, B Ed, Dip HE, Cert Teach FSL, Dip Arts, Dip T Miss T L Payne, B Ed, JP Mr P R Rowlands, Grad Dip Ed, Grad Dip Lang, B Arts, B Lett Ms D M Scandrett, MArts,BVisArt,DipEd Mr P Singh, Grad Dip Ed, B Arts (Hons), MMS, Grad Dip Strat Stud Mrs C A L Smith, Dip T Mr R Smith, Grad Dip Ed, B Comm, Grad Cert Policy Mrs J S Stewart, Grad Cert Ed, B Comm Mr B I Turner, (Class of 1996), B Eng (MicroEng), Grad Dip Ed Mrs C Y Walker, B H Sc, Grad Dip T Mr S M Walsh, BPE Gr Dip Teach Mr S J Walther, BA (Hons), Grad Dip Ed Miss R Y Ward, M Ed, B Arts/Ed, Dip Mod Languages ADMINISTRATION Mr R Bouw, Dip Bus [Technical Assistant – Performing Arts] (Class of 2018) – Performing Arts] Mrs J E Collette [Administrator - Student Services] Mr H D B Cripps, Dip Bus, Cert III Scr Med [Technical Assistant – Performing Arts] (Class of 2018) Ms J Flynn, Dip Ed, Cert 3 and in Personal Training, B Arts [Theatre Manager] Mrs C J McDonald, Cert III Ed Support [Administrator – Academic Services] Mrs D L Munro [Administrator – Student Services (Acting)] Mr D S Roberts (Class of 2016), [Technical Assistant - Performing Arts] Mr S N Roberts, B Bus [Administrative Assistant – Performing Arts] Miss R M Sherrington, [ Assistant – Performing Arts] (Class of 2019) Mr T D Wilson (Class of 2016) [Design Assistant] LEARNING ENHANCEMENT Mrs S L Young, B Ed, B Psy Sc Mrs B I Dawe [Teacher Assistant] Ms L Pattugalan, Cert III Comm and Health Services [Teacher Assistant] Ms N Patrick, Cert III School Support Services [Teacher Assistant] Ms A Phillips, Cert III Ed Support [Teacher Assistant] TEACHER ASSISTANTS Miss B D da Silva , B Bio Sc, Cert III Lab Skills [Laboratory Manager] Mrs R E Sullivan, Grad Cert Data Anal, Cert Ecology BSC [Laboratory Assistant] Miss S N Brodar, Cert IV Bookkeeping [Administrative Assistant – Academic and Curriculum Services] (Class of 2011) Mr S J Cash, [Technical Assistant
B Arts [Business and Humanities] Dr S R Ham, PhD, B Teach (Hons) [Foreign Languages]
Mr R Kemp, M Ed, B Ed [Curriculum Services] Mrs N J Lang, M Ed L’Ship, Dip Ed, B Arts [English] Mrs C L McKenna, B Ed [Director of Sport] Mr D J O’Brien, B Tech Ed [Design] Mrs S M Roberts, B Mus (School A), MACE [Performing Arts] Mrs C Wylie, Grad Cert Sc (Psych), M Phil, Grad Dip Ed, B App Sc (Biomed) [Science] ASSISTANT HEADS OF DEPARTMENT Mrs H Coombes, B Sc (Hons) [Design] Mrs A L D’Arcy, B Teach, B Arts [Performing Arts] Mr D J Healy, Grad Dip Ed, B H Sc [Physical Education] Mrs K M Hodge, M Sp Maths, B Ed [Mathematics] Acting Mrs S A Hossy, B Arts/Ed [English] Mrs E P Lynch, B Sc, Dip T [Science] Mr D R Oman, B Bus, B Ed [Business] Mrs E Phillips, Grad Cert Ed, B Sc [Humanities] Mrs S K White, B Ed, B Arts [Languages] HEADS OF HOUSE Mrs L J Beere, B Ed, B Ex Sc [Veivers] Miss M Green, B Ed, Cert Theatre Studies [Starkey] Ms J J Hyman (Class of 1998), B Ed, B Ex Sc [Franklin] Mrs S Leslie (Class of 1992), Grad Dip Ed, B AppSci [Laver] Mr S Whish-Wilson, B Human Movement [Acting - Andrews] HEAD OF YEAR 7 Mrs A L Rowe, Dip Arts, Grad Dip Teach, A.Mus A (Piano), A.Mus A (Bassoon), MACE YEAR 11 CO-ORDINATOR Mr P S I George, M Teach, M Eng Lit, B Fine Arts [Acting] YEAR 12 CO-ORDINATOR Ms L Navanteri, Grad Dip Ed, M Art, B Art SERVICE LEARNING CO-ORDINATOR Mr B W Walker , BEd(Hons), BAppSc (Biotechnology) CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST Mrs C Ceh, M Cl Psy, B Psy [Clinical Psychologist] SENIOR SCHOOL TEACHERS Mrs E Amores, B Sc, Grad Dip Ed Mr S D Attoe, B Ed, Dip Spt Dev, Grad Cert Spt Coach Mrs K M Baker, Dip T, Grad Dip Ed Mr T Betts, M Arts, Grad Dip Ed, Grad Dip Phil and NP Mgt, Cert Bus Mrs O Bisevac , Grad Dip Ed, B Sc Mrs K Bolger , Grad Dip Ed, B B Int Bus, B Comm Bank, Fin & Risk Ms J Burgess , B Arts, B Ed Mrs K E Burns , Grad Cert Ed, B Arts Miss K K Capper, B Ed Miss J Dall’Acqua, B Bus, B Arts Mrs R L Dougherty , B Ed, B Vis Comm Mr C J Enwright, B Arts (Hons), MA, Cert T English, Post GradCertEd Mr A Evans , B Arts/Ed, M Ed L’Ship Mr P W Evans, BA, Dip Ed, Ass.Dip Leg Ms S J Forsythe, Grad Dip Ed, Grad Dip T Mr J M Gasmier, B Ed Mr B J Goodall, Assoc B Ed, B Ex Sc ENTREPRENEUR IN RESIDENCE Mr B B T U'Ren , M Bus Admin, BAppSc (Biotechnology)
Mr S H Woodfield, B Info Tech, B Bus [Information Technology Support Officer]
Information About Somerset College
16 November 2021
Information About Somerset College
OPERATIONS ADMINISTRATION Mrs L B Clayton , B Nurs, B Sci, Nurse Imm [College Nurse] Miss A K McMahon , B Nurs [College Nurse] Mr A J Cooper [Administrative Assistant - Compliance] Miss A K McMahon , B Nurs Mrs M Tolladay [Administrative Assistant - Operations] Mrs S L Wilson [Compliance Officer] Mrs E Zimmermann [Administrative Assistant] ACCOUNTS Miss H Barbera, B Comm [Accounts Clerk] Mrs T L Campbell [Senior Accounts Clerk] Mrs K J Day, Cert Comm/Off Fund, Cert II Comp App [Accounts Clerk] Ms D M Harrison, B Sc, Grad Dip Train and Dev, Dip Comp and WP L1+L2 [Accounts Supervisor] CATERING, HOSPITALITY AND RETAIL Mrs K M Andrews [Retail Manager] Mr M V Furlong [Head Chef] Ms J D Colligan [ Retail and Hospitality – Floor Supervisor] Mrs C Crisp [Retail and Hospitality Assistant] Ms N Kerry [Functions Assistant] Mrs J L Aden Miss S L Barr Miss J J Coventry Miss D Coventry Miss J Darcy Mrs J Fog Mr E J Hawken Ms K Heaton Miss K A Lewis Mr L L Mason (Class of 2017) Ms E B Mathieson Mr D S Roberts (Class of 2016) Miss A L M Shannon (Class of 2018) Miss R M Sherrington (Class of 2019) Mrs G M Speirs CLEANING Mr E J Lemon [Cleaner – Senior Supervisor] Mr D Milici [Cleaning Supervisor] Mr A Scanlon [Cleaner – Assistant Supervisor] Mrs K L Babula Ms E Boylan Mr T C Gilbert Mr Z Hegedus, Cert II Security Operations, Cert Pool Plant Operations Mr J Martin Mr D J McVeigh Ms S A Robson Mr D Ryu Mr K Simpson Mr N Symond Mrs T Tenwick Mrs T Urquhart GROUNDS AND MAINTENANCE Mr R Neave [Grounds and Maintenance Supervisor] Mr C J Eddelbuttel, Dip Horticulture, Graphic Reproduction Apprenticeship Mr S J Firmstone, Dip Elect, Cert Ref and Air, Cert II Tele, Cert III Tele Mrs M Budiasih Mr M Fenson Mr P B Gallagher, Cert III Horticulture Mr J R Golf, Cert III Sports Turf Mgt Mr D J Hinze Mr J McClear, Cert III Horticulture Mr S Proctor Mr D C White LOGISTICS Ms S Frawley, Adv Dip L&M [Logistics Co- ordinator] Mr A Farrugia [Logistics Assistant – Operations] Mr K J Watson
ACTIVITIES AND SPORT Mrs J Sina [Administrative Assistant - Activities] Miss S L Walter [Sports Intern] Miss S L Oppermann, B Ex and Mv Sci [Sports Performance Co-ordinator] DEBATING Mr A Y Docrat (Class of 2017) Mr W H Evans (Class of 2014) Miss M E R MacFarlane, (Class of 2019) Miss S van Esch (Class of 2019) Miss C E Wilson ACTIVITIES – ACTIVITIES HUB Miss M R Collie, [Sports Instructor – Activities Hub] Mrs G E Hamawi, Cert III Ed Supp [Teacher Assistant – Activities Hub] Miss K T Henderson, B Spt Ex Sc [Teacher Assistant – Activities Hub] Ms S B Johnson, [Teacher Assistant – Activities Hub] AFTER SCHOOL ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE Mr H H Khafaji ( Class of 2020) Mr T R Tayler (Class of 2020) Miss A Yang (Class of 2020) OUTDOOR EDUCATION Mr D C Maskell, Dip OD Rec, Cert IV T&A [Co- ordinator - Outdoor Education] Mr M W Coker SPORT - FACILITIES Mr D Flint, M Sc Rec Leis, B Sc Spt Mgt, Adv Dip Spt Rec [Facilities Manager] Dr A Eastwood, Ph D, B Sci [Exercise Physiologist] Mrs E L Sturges, B Spt Sc, [Strength and Miss A R Bonenfant, B Laws, B Arts Miss K H Coombes, LLB, B Laws Miss A G Littleton (Class of 2019) Miss S J Olarenshaw ( Class of 2020) Miss M P Quiggin (Class of 2019) Mr M T Sajjad (Class of 2019) Miss Z E M Smith (Class of 2019) Miss E N Svoboda (Class of 2019)
FOOTBALL AND FUTSAL Mr M de Kruijf [Head Coach – Football and Futsal] Mr R P Campbell, Cert IV Fitness Mr J R Hoy Mr J R Mathes
Mr J T Pritchard, Dip Spt Devel Mr M M E Ware (Class of 2019) Mr R T Whitwell Parkes Coppock Mr N G Witton NETBALL Mrs S Burns [Head Coach - Netball] Miss R S Burns (Class of 2019) Mr B Clements Miss H A Clements (Class of 2019) Mrs A Harris, B Sc, M App Ling, M Bus Ad Mrs H Hockings Miss A V McMullen (Class of 2019) Miss D S O’Kane
Miss G Maynard
Mrs M L Perkins Miss M K Ridley
Mrs S E Reeves
Mrs K A Seymour (Class of 1989) ROWING Mr P V Richards, B Design, Cert III Carp [Head Coach – Rowing] Mrs J Francou Miss O J Sina (Class of 2016) Dr G A Thurnwald RUGBY Mr E L M T Aholelei Mr G E Anderson, B Bus, B Ex Sc (Class of 1993) Mr S T Dalton (Class of 2019) Mr R L Gear Mr W D Stoten (Class of 2018) SWIMMING Mr F J Butcher (Class of 1994), B Bus (Maj Spt Mgmt), B Ex Sc, Silver Licence [Director of Aquatics/Head Coach] Mr A Callus [High Performance Sprint and State Coach] Mr C Urquhart [Assistant Swimming Coach – State Squad]
Mrs A Honnery [Administrative Assistant] Mrs A M Balcerek, Austswim Certified Ms K Albertsen
Conditioning Coach] Miss T R Cendamo
Mrs K L Annandale Miss A H Berlowitz Miss S Cormack Miss J J Coventry
Mr D R Cochrane, Cert IV Fitness Miss M R Craigie (Class of 2017) Ms K Y Chenery (Cert III Fitness) Mrs A Daly Miss I L Freeman (Class of 2017) Mr R J Gambin Miss X E Mason (Class of 2016) Mr S J Morrow Ms K Peyrieux Miss C N Reynoldson ( Class of 2016) Ms A Richards Miss E M Sambrook (Class of 2017) Mrs P M Sullivan
Ms C Baty
Mrs C Cormack Miss D Coventry
Miss T J Davies (Class of 2019) Mrs J Fog
Ms S Gros
Mr M R Kleinert
Mrs C A Licuanan
Mr C J Licuanan (Class of 2017) Ms J L S Ling
Ms L N Parkes
Ms A C D Morahan Ms A S Murray Miss E G Noyes Miss A E Pankowski Mr I J Raklander Ms M Salmon Mr C A E Schoorl Mr G W Schulte
Miss M F Moroney
Mr A Newling
Miss B L Otto (Class of 2020) Miss L L Owen
Ms F Taylor
Miss E K Purll
Mr K D Walden (Class of 2018) Ms X C Xu SPORT AFL Miss E L Boles-Frahn
Miss K Raklander
Ms K L Schieb Ms N L Simula
Miss S S Stanford Engwirda Miss S M Stanford-Modini Mrs L N Thaning
Miss M E Cairns
Mrs J R Tufala Miss J L Watson
Miss C A Turnbull Ms P Wongreyova TENNIS Mr L Spanner Mr L M Treacher
ATHLETICS and CROSS COUNTRY Mr M Ladbrook, B App Sc, Cert Strength & Cond [Head Coach – Athletics] Miss T R Cendamo Mr M P Goodwin, B Ed Mr P C Newton Mr T M O’Shaughnessy Miss L J Simpson Mrs J Wood BASKETBALL Mr R J Stevenson, Grad Cert Spt Coach [Head Coach – Basketball] Mr C J Brown, Cert IV Fitness
Information About Somerset College
Mr L D Yarwood (Class of 2017) Mr W H Evans (Class of 2014) Mr J H Hamlin (Class of 2018) Mr M G Ibsen (Class of 2020) Mr E B Jorsal (Class of 2014) Mr D J Mitchell Mr A W Summers TRIATHLON Mr G Scattolini Correa, B Teach, Dip Spt Md, M Spt Sc [Co-ordinator – Triathlon] Miss Z A Leahy
Mr J H Andrews (Class of 2018) Mr A J Cooper (Class of 2018) Miss D Coventry Mr M J W Park (Class of 2017) Mr R T Robinson Miss E M Sambrook (Class of 2017) Mr S W Stevenson (Class of 2017) Mr K D Walden (Class of 2018) Mr C K Wilson (Class of 2020) Mr N J Langevad
Miss J J Coventry
Mrs K Crocker Mr J G Grasser Miss A J Hunt, B Sc
Mr D I Larney
Mr H C Luxon Mr Si Mahjoub
Mr Se Mahjoub
Mr M E Murdock (Class of 2019) Miss H M Thomson, B Ed, Cert III Child Serv
16 November 2021
Academic Awards Years 11 and 12 Programme
Concert Band Space and Beyond Arranged by John Moss Directed by Mrs S M Roberts
National Anthem
Advance Australia Fair Australians all, let us rejoice, For we are one and free, We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil Our home is girt by sea. Our land abounds in nature’s gifts, Of beauty rich and rare, In history’s page, let every stage, Advance Australia fair, In joyful strains then let us sing,
Jade Bailey, Chapel Sacristan
Welcome to Country
Mr A W Hickey OAM, Chair of the College Board
Chairman's Message
Eighties Flashback Arranged by Paul Murtha Directed by Mrs S M Roberts
Concert Band
Mr C T Bassingthwaighte, Headmaster
Headmaster’s Address
Presentation of The Arnison Cup
Mrs A L Foster, Head of Senior School Mr K J Bacon, Dean of Admissions on behalf of the Somerset Alumni Association
Presentation of Year 11 IB Diploma Awards
Mr C T Bassingthwaighte, Headmaster and Mr A W Hickey OAM, Chair of the College Board Mr N J Brice, Deputy Headmaster
Years 11 and 12 Programme
16 November 2021
Scholars Evening- Years 11 and 12 '
Programme (Cont'd) YEARS 11 AND 12
Presentation of Year 11 QCE Awards
Mr C T Bassingthwaighte, Headmaster and Mr A W Hickey OAM, Chair of the College Board Mr N J Brice, Deputy Headmaster
Brown Eyed Girl Words and Music by Van Morrison
Jazz Band
Arranged by Paul Murtha Directed by Mrs A L Rowe
Presentation of Year 12 Cum Laude Awards
Mr C T Bassingthwaighte, Headmaster and Mr A W Hickey OAM, Chair of the College Board Mrs M A Sauer, Dean of Studies
Presentation of Year 12 IB Diploma Awards
Mr C T Bassingthwaighte, Headmaster and Mr A W Hickey OAM, Chair of the College Board Mrs M A Sauer, Dean of Studies
Presentation of Year 12 QCE Awards
Mr C T Bassingthwaighte, Headmaster and Mr A W Hickey OAM, Chair of the College Board Mrs M A Sauer, Dean of Studies
Ritmo Words and Music by Dan Davison Directed by Mrs S M Roberts Accompanied by Mrs A L Rowe and Mrs S M Roberts
Show Choir
Presentation of Major Awards Mr C T Bassingthwaighte, Headmaster
and Mr A W Hickey OAM, Chair of the College Board Mrs M A Sauer, Dean of Studies
Class of 2021 Valedictory Song
Hall of Fame Words and Music by Danny O’Donoghue, Mark Sheehan, James Barry, Andrew Frampton and Will Adams Arranged by Roger Emerson
Years 11 and 12 Programme
16 November 2021
Programme (Cont'd)
Will Toohey, Chapel Sacristan
The College Prayer
Almighty and Everliving God, Bless the family of Somerset College:
Our students, staff, College Board, families and alumni. As a community we celebrate our unity in diversity, Enriching the common good. Give us grace to grow in our relationship with You and each other, Maturing to a deeper knowledge and care of all. Grant that we may stand firm in the faith of Jesus Christ. Deo Confidimus. Amen.
Irish Blessing Directed by Mrs S M Roberts
Show Choir
Concert Band Avengers: Endgame Music by Alan Silvestri
Arranged by Michael Brown Directed by Mrs S M Roberts
Years 11 and 12 Programme
16 November 2021
Scholars Evening- Years 11 and 12 '
YEAR 11 To be announced by the Deputy Headmaster, Mr N J Brice International Baccalaureate Diploma Awards Awarded to a student on the basis of their school assessment in their International Baccalaureate Diploma subjects. Donated by Somerset College 1st Biology Isabel van der Walt 1st Chemistry Marc Hagan 1st Economics Marc Hagan 1st Language A: Literature Marc Hagan 1st Language B: German Marc Hagan 1st Language B: Italian ‘ab initio’ Isabel van der Walt 1st History Isabel van der Walt 1st Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches Marc Hagan 1st Physics Marc Hagan 1st Theory of Knowledge Marc Hagan
Queensland Certificate of Education Awarded to a student on the basis of their school assessment in their Queensland Certificate of Educationi subjects. Donated by Somerset College 1st Ancient History Phoenix Chapman 1st Biology Katherine (Kate) Jordan 1st Business Olivia Macintosh 1st Chemistry Lauren Chan 1st Digital Solutions Peter Osborne 1st Drama Anastasia Kouts 1st Economics Jason Li 1st Engineering and The QUT Dean’s Award for Engineering Technology Kobee Munro 1st English Jason Li 1st Film, Television and New Media Bailey Loades. 1st French Jessica Nguyen 1st General Mathematics Georgia Knight 1st Geography Claudia Fann 1st German Katherine (Kate) Jordan 1st Japanese Arimasa (Ari) Uchida 1st Legal Studies Bridie Willaton 1st Literature Katherine (Kate) Jordan 1st Mathematical Methods Lauren Chan 1st Modern History Phoebe Ross 1st Music Darcy Beynon 1st Philosophy and Reason Ruben Yam 1st Physical Education Kade Reynoldson 1st Physics Lauren Chan 1st Psychology Bridie Willaton 1st Specialist Mathematics Katherine (Kate) Jordan 1st Visual Art Sophie Krueger
1 st Year 11 IB Diploma
To be announced
The Griffith University 2021 Remarkable Award
To be announced
The ‘A Collectoribos Selecti’ Award
To be announced
3rd Year 11 QCE 2nd Year 11 QCE 1st Year 11 QCE
To be announced To be announced To be announced
Year 11 Awards
16 November 2021
YEAR 12 To be announced by the Dean of Studies, Mrs M A Sauer
YEAR 12 To be announced by the Dean of Studies, Mrs M A Sauer
Cum Laude Awards After each reporting period, students who achieve at the highest level in the majority of their subjects are presented with a Cum Laude Award. Seniors who meet the following criteria will graduate Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude or Summa Cum Laude. Cum Laude Cum Laude (with praise) for achieving a Cum Laude Award in
International Baccalaureate Diploma Awards Awarded to a student on the basis of their school assessment in their International Baccalaureate Diploma subjects. Donated by Somerset College 1st Biology Zihui (Chloe) Ming 1st Business Management Hannah Kennedy 1st Chemistry Zihui (Chloe) Ming 1st Economics Helena Hagan 1st Language A: Literature Helena Hagan 1st Language B: French Helena Hagan 1st Language B: Italian ‘ab initio’ Zihui (Chloe) Ming 1st Language B: Japanese Miku Adachi 1st History Helena Hagan 1st Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches Zijia (Tris) Zhou 1st Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation Helena Hagan 1st Music Maito Yamaguchi 1st Philosophy Pippi Harris 1st Physics Leigh Amores 1st Theory of Knowledge
Semester Two. Caitlin Anderson Isabelle Furrows
Ryan Collins
Elizabeth Garratt Soumia Lamont
Jacob Hall Eliza Lovett
Hannah McHutchison
Jazz (Iris) Monod
Chloe Schuster Lilliana Swainson
India (Indie) Secombe
Nicholas Tan Kushi Tumkur
Cliffthit Kaung Min (Cliff) Thant
Laina Walsh
Magna Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude (with great praise) for achieving a Cum Laude Award in all but one of the eligible semesters. Thomas Dawson Emily Cosson Jarvis Dover Ella Kirk Stephanie Sprague Summa Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude (with the highest praise) for achieving a Cum Laude Award in all eligible semesters. Miku Adachi Leigh Amores Kevin Bao William (Will) Barry Mariella Bourke Vincent Chen Angus Cheung Angela Fitzmaurice Momoe Gondo Helena Hagan Anna Hori Roy Hsu Joy Jeng Hannah Kennedy Isabel Liu Lain Luxford Brianne Major Zihui (Chloe) Ming Giulia Provenzano Kye Reynoldson Wan Hoe (Dylan) Ryu Sofia (Sofie) Smith Patrick Sowerby Nicholas Spegel Courtney Stoten Nada Wilson Eva Wingrove Zijia (Tris) Zhou Pippi Harris Nikhil Patel
Leigh Amores Helena Hagan
1st Extended Essay
Leigh Amores Zihui (Chloe) Ming
The Ros Bates MP Trophy for Creativity Action Service
Lilliana Swainson
Year 12 Awards
16 November 2021
Scholars Evening- Years 11 and 12 '
Queensland Certificate of Education Awards 1st Ancient History YEAR 12 To be announced by the Dean of Studies, Mrs M A Sauer
MAJOR AWARDS - SUBJECT To be announced by the Dean of Studies, Mrs M A Sauer
The Technology Award Awarded to the student in the Senior Class with the best results in a combination of Information Processing and/or Technology and Engineering Technology. Endowed by Emeritus Professor William J Caelli Business Award Awarded to the student in the Senior Class with the best results in a combination of subjects which may include Business,
Jazz (Iris) Monod
1st Biology
Chung-Wei (Roy) Hsu Lain Luxford Giulia Provenzano
1st Business 1st Chemistry 1st Chinese
Thomas Dawson
Chung-Wei (Roy) Hsu
Ziqi (Zali) Cheng
1st Digital Solutions
Lain Luxford
Management or Economics. Endowed by Mr Ron Bowden
1st Drama
Ella Kirk
1st Economics
Mariella Bourke
1st Engineering and The QUT Dean’s Award for Engineering Technology
Nicholas Tan
The Prize for Social Sciences Awarded to the student in the Senior Class with the best combined
1st English
Giulia Provenzano
1st English and Literature Extended 1st Film, Television and New Media
India (Indie) Seccombe
results in Ancient History and/or Modern History. Endowed by Dr Eleanor Crosby, Foundation Parent
Thomas Dawson Giulia Provenzano Courtney Stoten
1st French
1st General Mathematics
Arts/Humanities Award Awarded to the student in the Senior Class with the best results in a combination of subjects which may include Ancient and Modern History, Geography, English, Drama and Languages. Endowed by Dr John Kearney, QC and Mrs Alison Kearney Mathematics Award Awarded to the student in the Senior Class with the best combined results in Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics (QCE) and/or IB Mathematics HL and Further Mathematics. Endowed by Mr and Mrs A E Ramsay The Prize for Science Awarded to the student in the Senior Class with the best results in any two of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Endowed by Dr John Kearney
1st German and the Mrs Katja Kearney Prize for German Language
Sofia Smith
1st Japanese
Momoe Gondo Ryan Collins Nada Wilson Momoe Gondo Nada Wilson Brianne Major Charlize Hinze
1st Legal Studies
1st Literature
1st Mathematical Methods
1st Modern History
1st Music
1st Music Extension (Performance) 1st Music Extension (Composition)
Elisabeth (Libby) Burrows
1st Philosophy and Reason 1st Physical Education
Guilia Provenzano
Serenity Thake
1st Physics
Kevin (Xuanyu) Bao Momoe Gondo
1st Psychology
Lain Luxford
1st Specialist Mathematics
Chung-Wei (Roy) Hsu
1st Visual Art and The Frangos Family Art Prize
Nicholas Tan
Honour Board Awards Citizenship
Miku Adachi Guo (Antonio) Lin
Drama Music
Calvin Walther
Year 12 Awards
Maito Yamaguchi
3rd in Year 12
To be announced
16 November 2021
MAJOR AWARDS To be announced by the Dean of Studies, Mrs M A Sauer
The Somerset Alumni Association Endowed Award Awarded to a student in the Senior Class for the greatest
The Bond University Scholarships Designed to acknowledge students who perform not only on an academic level, but also demonstrate exceptional personal talent and contribute significantly to their school
contribution to a single aspect of school life. Endowed by the Somerset Alumni Association
and wider communities. Donated by Bond University
The Hinwood Award Awarded to the student in the Senior Class who has given outstanding service to the students of the College through Committee work. Donated by Dr Rhyl Hinwood The ‘Exceptional Achiever’ Award Awarded to the student in the Senior Class who has achieved at a high level in academic, music and sport. Endowed by Mr and Mrs K Tandy The Division 9 Councillor’s Encouragement Award Awarded to the student in the Senior Class who has been ever willing to participate in the life of the College. Endowed by Councillor Glenn Tozer The A J D Bell Award This was endowed by the College Board to mark the time given by the former Mayor of the Gold Coast, Mr Lex Bell, as Foundation Chairman. It is awarded to the student who has performed best in Legal Studies, English, Mooting and/or Debating. Endowed by the College Board The Lorraine Pilgrim Award This prize is to be awarded to the student who has best represented the College in Debating and Public Speaking . Endowed by a member of the College community The Laver Scholarship Awarded on the basis of academic achievement, community service, leadership, sporting and cultural involvement. Donated by the Laver Family The University of Queensland Achievement Award Sponsored Prize Awarded to a student in the Senior Class on the basis of academic, school and/or service leadership. Donated by University of Queensland The Griffith University - Griffith Connect Sir Samuel Griffith Scholarship Awarded to a student in the Senior Class on the basis of successful completion of the GUESTS At-School Programme . Donated by Griffith University
Parents’ and Friends’ Award for Outstanding Service to the College This is awarded to the student in the Senior Class who has given exemplary service to the general Somerset community. This student has proven to be a worthy representative of the College and has contributed to all aspects of College life in a manner reflecting our philosophy. Endowed by the Parents’ and Friends’ Association The Richards Prize and H and J Goblet A prestigious ‘all-rounder’ award presented on behalf of two brothers, Hayden and Justin Richards, who were College Captains of Somerset College in 1997 and 1998. Awarded to a student in the Senior Class who has attained a high academic level, excelled in at least two College activities and has demonstrated a distinguished and unique strength of character and awareness of others exemplified by the following quotations: “Stand up for the weak in spite of the strong” (Hayden Richards) “Stand apart from the throng, neither appearing aloof nor fearing rejection” (Justin Richards) Donated by Dr R Richards and Mrs A Richards Dux of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma – Somerset College For the student with the highest results in internal assessment and predicted grades. Endowed by Somerset College Dux of Somerset College For the student with the highest overall results in his or her best five subjects completed for the Queensland Certificate of Education. Endowed by Somerset College
Year 12 Awards | Major Awards
16 November 2021
Scholars Evening- Years 11 and 12 '
Academic Staff 2021
Academic Staff (Left to Right) Front Row: Mr Brad Walker, Mr Sam Whish-Wilson, Ms Jacinta Hyman, Mrs Sally Leslie, Miss Melinda Green, Mr Patrick George, Ms Lisa Thomson, Ms Rebecca Collie, Mr Nicholas Brice, Mr Craig Bassingthwaighte (Headmaster), Mrs Allison Foster, Mrs Karen Crowley, Mrs Michele Sauer, Mr Craig Sayer, Mrs Anne Rowe, Mr Spence Attoe, Miss Luisa Navanteri, Mr Troy Zernike, Mrs Margaret Kiddle. 2nd Row: Mr Dane Oman, Ms Emma Phillips, Mrs Sarah Hossy, Mrs Sarah White, Mr Damien Coleman, Mr Rhys Kemp, Mr Dallas O’Brien, Mrs Naomi Lang, Dr Scott Ham, Mrs Candice McKenna, Mr Ash Abdou, Mrs Sue Roberts, Mr Damien Healy, Mrs Christine Wylie, Mrs Brenda Millican, Mrs Katie Hodge, Mrs Anna D’Arcy, Mrs Elly Lynch, Miss Kate Webb. 3rd Row: Mrs Nicola Boone, Mrs Eleanor Amores, Miss Tracey Payne, Mrs Natalie Nugent, Miss Sara Rosentreter, Miss Kiah Leslie, Mrs Carrie Smith, Ms Kylie Russell, Mr Adam Evans, Mrs Courtney Doyle, Mrs Katherine Zernike, Mrs Jacqueline Proctor, Mrs Sharon Young, Mrs Leesa Eastwell, Mrs Nonita Saint, Mrs Janine White, Ms Marie Morel, Mrs Sally Forsythe, Miss Rachel Skyring, Mr Paul Evans, Ms Bronwyn Lee, Miss Corina Jeflea, Miss Jasmin Dall'Acqua, Mrs Brittney Simpson, Mrs Clare Walker, Mr John Mitchell, Mrs Helen Moffatt, Mrs Sonia Louis-Punch, Mrs Nicky Sheppard. 4th Row: Mrs Lola McLaughlin, Mrs Annette Tayler, Miss Charlotte Hill, Mr Tom Betts, Mr Nick Scott, Mr Josh Stafford, Mr Rob Hughes, Mr Matt McLaughlin, Ms Rheanna Dougherty, Mr Eddie Miller, Mr Isao Kamei, Mrs Lynne Spanner, Mrs Kate Grigg, Mr Royce Smith, Mr Andrew Wrigley, Mr Chris Enwright, Miss Kim Capper, Mr Jordan Gasmier, Mrs Rachel Ah Fook, Ms Jingjing Lu, Mrs Georgia Skinner, Mrs Nicole Fann, Mr Ross Keefer, Mr Andrew Halloran. Back Row: Mr Andrew Hawtin, Mr Peter Singh, Ms Daneale Scandrett, Mr Elliot Roberts, Mr Stephen Walther, Miss Rebekah Ward, Mr Ben Turner, Mrs Brigitte Weintrop, Ms Jenny George, Mr Mario Keczan, Mrs Kylie Hall, Mr Greg Juniper, Mr Mark Pitura, Mr Ben Goodall, Mr Will Boston, Ms Courtney McMillan, Mrs Lauren Grocott, Mr Jeff Grocott, Mr Geoff Pittman, Mr Brent Harrison, Mr Shane Cowling. Absent: Mrs Karen Baker, Mrs Lisa Beere, Mrs Olivera Bisevac, Ms Karen Bolger, Ms Janie-Marie Burgess, Mrs Kate Burns, Mrs Helen Coombes, Mrs Bianca Hipperson, Mrs Sachiko Isayama, Mr Geoff Jones, Mrs Deb Jordan, Mr Russell McGrath, Mr Phil Rowlands, Mrs Jane Stewart, Mrs Danielle Swainson, Mr Scott Walsh, Mrs Olivia Woolley,
16 November 2021
YEAR 12 2021
13 Year 12 2021 Left to Right Front Row: Mr Sam Whish-Wilson, Mrs Sally Leslie, Ms Jacinta Hyman, Ms Luisa Navanteri, Mr Nicholas Brice, Leigh Amores, Nicholas Tan, Mr Craig Bassingthwaite, Hannah Kennedy, Patrick Sowerby, Mrs Allison Foster, Mrs Michele Sauer, Ms Melinda Green, Mrs Lisa Beere 2nd Row: Anna Hori, Chloe Schuster, Yeva Brereton, Courtney Stoten, Eliza Lovett, Ella Kirk, Fabrizia Worrall-Staheli, Emma Wilson, Mariella Bourke, Joy Jeng, Jazz (Iris) Monod, Soumia Lamont, Isabelle Furrows, Jade Bailey, Sofia Smith, Zihui (Chloe) Ming, Jasmine Lu, Giulia Provenzano, Taia Chapman, Emily Cosson, India (Indie) Seccombe, Pippi Harris, Cindy Trinh, Miku Adachi, Haruhi Kawaura, Kushi Tumkur 3rd Row: Delicia Zhao, Baowen (Beatrice) Zhang, Rui (Elsa) Chen, Stephanie Sprague, Eleanor (Ella) Stewart, Elise Arnold, Laina Walsh, Isabel Liu, Bo-En (Vincent) Chen, Helena Hagan, Dariush- Far, Gaelle Nicolau, Alissa McKenna, Yiyan (Ben) Zhang, Brigid Mullins, Ella Ward, Jessica (Jess) Gore-Jones, Alexander Wei, Victor Schinasi, Guo (Antonio) Lin, Sebastian Leat, Lucy MacDonald, Charlize Hinze, Eva Wingrove, Lilliana Swainson, Marcus Nguyen, Momoe Gondo 4th Row: Elizabeth Garratt, Zijia (Tris) Zhou, Aidan Chan, Kyle Phillips, Xuanyu (Kevin) Bao, Chung-Wei (Roy) Hsu, Adam Lamb, Mitchell (Mitch) Cook, Ethan Wilkin, Aarav Khurana, Shing Fong (Ian) Yuen, Jack Colahan, Austin Macrossan, Angus Murray-Foster, Tian Chee Angus (Angus) Cheung, Wan Hoe (Dylan) Ryu, Tenaysha Thomasson, Amaris Toia, Jinjin Wang, Jarvis Dover, Elisabeth (Libby) Burrows, Will Toohey, Joshua (Josh) Mills, Georgia Wilson, Caitlin Anderson, Brianne Major, Ziqi (Zali) Cheng, Hannah McHutchison, Nada Wilson, Calvin Walther 5th Row: Jemma Clements, Joshua Joe, Jared Crowley, Quoc (Huan) Pham, Thomas Dawson, William (Will) Roder, Ryan Collins, Tal Mougrabi, Prosper Nwoko, Joshua Radcliffe, Callum Wilkins, Ryan Harraway, Cruz Pearson, Cliffthit Kaung Min (Cliff) Thant, Lachlan (Lachie) Froggatt, William (Will) Barry, Anthony Benton, Thomas (Tom) Halloran, Kye Reynoldson, Maito Yamaguchi, Nikhil Patel, Alexander Taylor-Girdler, Byron Wormell, Ashton Govenlock, Jarn Marjanovic, Jacob Hall, Flynn Allan Back Row: Wilson Partridge, Fergus McKeon, Lucas McKean, Cameron (Cam) Smith, Felix Jackson-King, Frank Tomlinson, Nicholas Spegel, William (Will) Lynch, Kane Delaney, Blake Andrews, Cory Delaney, Albert Kuo, Alexander Nelson Absentees: Diaz Henry Year 12 2021
16 November 2021
Scholars Evening- Years 11 and 12 '
Alexis (Jade) Bailey Prep to Year 12 Chapel Sacristan, Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, Open B Netball, Open Softball, Somerset Basketball Club,
Anthony Benton Years 7 to 12
Aidan Chan Prep to Year 12
Bo-En (Vincent) Chen Years 6 to 12 Committees: Art, Philosophy, Science, Somerset Mathematical Society, Senior Basketball, Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, Open A Volleyball, Team Award.
Jemma Clements Years 6 to 12 House Captain, Inter-House Swimming (Age Champion), Athletics and Cross Country, APS Cross Country and Swimming, Open A Touch, Open A Netball, South Coast Team Selections, Sport Team Captains - Open, Honours: Netball.
Jack Colahan Years 6 to 12 Battle of the Bands, Wordsmiths, Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals. Senior Boys Hockey, Full Colour: Wordsmith, Half Colour: Hockey.
Jarvis Dover Prep to Year 12
Beach Volleyball Group, Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals.
Honour: Performing Arts, Full Colour: Music, Half Colour: Drama, House Play, Day of Dance, Men's Chorus, Musical, Show Choir, State Honours Ensemble Programme, Vocal Group, Wordsmiths, Senior Sustainable Spartan Committee, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter- House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals
Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, Rehab Group.
Momoe Gondo Years 7 to 12 Academic Captain, Senior String Quartet, Open B Tennis, Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, MVP Award,Open Softball.
Ryan Harraway Prep to Year 12 House Captain, 1st XV Rugby, Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, Half Colour: Rugby, Football, South Coast Team Selections.
Anna Hori Years 1 to 12 Full Colour: Music, Concert Band, Musical Orchestra, Vocal Group, Wordsmiths, Committees: Functions, Impact, Marketing, Senior Sustainable Spartan, Somerset Mathematical Society, Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, Senior Hockey, Somerset Basketball Club, Somerset Spartans Open White
Felix-Jackson King Years 8 to 12 Wordsmiths, Half Colour: Volleyball, Honour: Athletics, APS Athletics (Captain), Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, Open A Volleyball, South Coast Team Selections.
Haruhi Kawaura Prep to Year 12 Senior Tier 2 Basketball, Beach Volleyball, Inter- House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, Open B Volleyball.
Hannah Kennedy Years 2 to 12 College Captain, Honour: Music, Performing Arts, Full Colour: Drama, Day of Dance, Girls' Choir, House Play Festival - Best Actor Award, Musical, Show Choir, State Honours Ensemble Programme, Vocal Group, Wordsmiths, Inter- House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, Senior Girls Hockey, Open Water Polo, Full Colour: Water Polo
Isabel Liu Years 1 to 12
Beach Volleyball, Inter- House Athletics Carnival, Open Softball
Jarn Marjanovic Years 1 to 12
Alissa McKenna Years 2 to 12 House Play, Battle of the Bands, Senior AFL, T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, Half Colour: AFL
Gaelle Nicalau Years 9 to 12 Wordsmiths, Beach Volleyball, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter- House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals.
Quoc Pham Years 10 to 12 House Play, Senior Tier 2 Basketball, Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals
Victor Schinasi Years 6 to 12 Inter-House Athletics Carnival,
Nicholas Spegel Years 1 to 12 Open A Basketball, Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, Open A Volleyball, Somerset Basketball Club, Somerset Spartans Basketball U/20 Blue
Stephanie Sprague Years 9 to 12 Age Champion Inter-House Athletics, APS Athletics (Captain) and Cross Country, Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, Open A Volleyball, Honours: Athletics
Open A Touch, 1st XI Football (Captain), Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, MVP Award.
Georgia Wilson Years 9 to 12 APS Cross Country, Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, Open A Netball, Honour: Netball, Team Award, South Coast Team Selections,
Yiyan (Ben) Zhang Years 8 to 12 Golf Development, Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals,
Delicia Zhao Years 8 to 12 Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, Open B Volleyball,
Alexander Taylor- Girdler Years 2 to 12 Inter-House Cross Country Carnival, Open A Volleyball,
Year 12 Andrews
16 November 2021
Flynn Allan Years 2 to 12 Senior AFL, Inter-House Athletics Carnival, 2nd XI Soccer
Leigh Amores Years 6 to 12 College Vice-Captain, Half Colour: Performing Arts, Committees: Functions, Impact, International, Science, Senior Sustainable Spartan, Day of Dance, Open A Debating, Senior Eisteddfod Dance Group, Wordsmiths, Inter- House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open A Volleyball, Full Colour: Wordsmiths
William (Will) Barry Years 5 to 12 House Captain, Science Committee, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Yeva Brereton Years 5 to 12
Ziqi (Zali) Cheng Years 10 to 12
Ryan Collins Years 8 to 12 Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open B Tennis,
Emily Cosson Years 1 to 12
Honour: Drama, Battle of the Bands, House Play, House Play Festival - Adjudicator's Award (Director), Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, Open A Volleyball.
Open B Tennis, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Honour: Performing Arts, Day of Dance, House Play, Musical, Senior Eisteddfod Dance Group, Beach Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Thomas Dawson Prep to Year 12 APS Cross Country, Athletics Squad, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, MVP Award
Ashton Govenlock Years 7 to 12 1st XV Rugby, APS Athletics, Open A Touch (Captain), Inter- House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Half Colour: Rugby, South Coast Team Selections,
Pippi Harris Years 7 to 12 House Captain, APS Cross Country, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross
Diaz Henry Years 6 to 12
Charlize Hinze Years 7 to 12
Aarav Khurana Years 5 to 12 Senior Tier 2 Basketball, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Swimming Carnival,
Sebastian Leat Prep to Year 12 Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, 2nd XI Soccer,
APS Athletics, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals,
Honour: Music and Performing Arts, Day of Dance, House Play, Musical, Show Choir, Vocal Group, Beach Volleyball, Inter- House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Country and Swimming Carnivals, MVP Award,
Guo (Antonio) LIn Years 10 to 12 Honour: Music, Science Committee (Leader), Chamber Orchestra, Debating, Evatt Competition, Musical Orchestra, Senior B Debating, Senior String Orchestra, Senior String Quartet, Wordsmiths Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open C Tennis.
Eliza Lovett Years 10 to 12 Storyfest, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Senior A Hockey, Half Colour: Hockey.
Lucy MacDonald Years 6 to 12 Half Colour: Performing Arts, Technical Services Crew, Technical Services for GC Secondary School Drama Festival and Storyfest, Senior AFL (Captain), 1st XI Soccer, Inter- House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Team Award, Somerset Ulsport Cup, South Coast Team Selections, Full Colour: Football, Half Colour: AF
Brianne Major Years 4 to 12 Honours in Student Leadership, Science Committee, Open A Tennis, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Jazz (Iris) Monod Years 10 to 12 International Committee, Wordsmiths, Beach Volleyball,
Alexander Nelson Years 8 to 12 Senior Tier 2 Basketball, Golf Development, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Marcus Nguyen Prep to Year 12
Photography Committee Wordsmiths, Beach Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Will Toohey Years 3 to 12 Chapel Sacristan, House Play, 1st XV Rugby, Senior AFL, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals
André Vasquez Years 6 to 12
Nada Wilson Years 6 to 12
Byron Wormell Years 1 to 12
William (Will) Roder Years 9 to 12
Eleanor (Ella) Stewart Years 5 to 12 Honour: Performing Arts, Full Colour: Drama, House Play, Musical, House Play Festival - Adjudicator's Award (Director), Inter-House Athletics Carnival, Open A Volleyball,
Wordsmiths, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnival, Senior Hockey, Half Colour: Hockey
Rehab Group
Honours in Student Leadership, Debating, Mooting Club, Open A
Year 7 Captain, House Play, Wordsmiths, Golf
Development, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open Water Polo (Captain),
Debating, Wordsmiths, YMCA Queensland Youth Parliament, Open A Tennis (Captain), Inter- House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Half Colour: Tennis
Year 12 Franklin
16 November 2021
Scholars Evening- Years 11 and 12 '
Caitlin Anderson Years 8 to 12 House Captain, Inter-House Athletics (Age Champion), APS Athletics and Cross Country, Senior T2 Volleyball, Open A Touch (Ca ptain), Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Team Award, Half Colour: Athletics.
Blake Andrews Years 6 to 12 Senior Tier 2 Basketball, Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, 2nd XI Soccer,
Xuanyu (Kevin) Bao Years 8 to 12 Science Committee, Somerset Mathematical Society, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Taia Chapman Years 4 to 12 Open A Touch, Open B Netball,
Mitchell Cook Prep to Year 12
Lachlan Froggatt Years 3 to 12 Open B Basketball, Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, Open A Volleyball,
Isabelle Furrows Years 4 to 12 International Committee, Wordsmiths, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open A Volleyball,
Senior AFL, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Jessica Gore-Jones Years 11 and 12 Senior AFL, Senior T2 Volleyball,
Albert Kuo Years 1 to 12 Senior Tier 2 Basketball, Golf Development, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
Soumia Lamont Years 6 to 12
Jasmine Lu Years 7 to 12 Full Colour: Music, Day of Dance, Girls' Choir, Show Choir, Vocal Group, Beach Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open Softball.
Zihui (Chloe) Ming Prep to Year 12 Golf Development, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals.
Prosper Nwoko Years 10 to 12 APS Athletics, Open A Touch, Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals.
Wilson Partridge Prep to Year 12 APS Cross Country, Open A Basketball (Captain), Inter- House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open A Volleyball, Somerset Basketball Club, Spartans Basketball U/20 Blue, Full Colour: Basketball
Honour: Drama, Full Colour: Performing Arts and Music, Philosophy Club, Day of Dance GCSSDF Senior Play, Girls' Choir, House Play Festival - Winning Play, Musical, Show Choir, Vocal Group, Wordsmiths, Girls T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open Softball.
Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, Half Colour: AFL,
Nikhil Patel Prep to Year 12 House Captain, 1st XV Rugby, Senior AFL, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Half Colour: Rugby
Cruz Pearson Years 3 to 12 Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Cross Country Carnival
Giulia Provenzano Years 6 to 12 Spirit of Somerset, Full Colour: Drama, International Committee, Philosophy Club, House Play Festival - Winning Play, House Play, Wordsmiths, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open Softball
Wan Hoe (Dylan) Ryu Prep to Year 12 Committees: Art, Science, Senior Sustainable Spartan, Somerset Mathematical Society, Golf Development, Inter- House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals,
India Seccombe Years 11 and 12
Patrick Sowerby Years 2 to 12 College Vice-Captain, 1st XV Rugby, Senior AFL, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Full Colour: Rugby, South Coast Team Selections
Lilliana Swainson Years 6 to 12 Service Captain, Order of Australia Association - 2021 Secondary Schools Citizenship Award, Committees: Impact, International, Philosophy Club, Wordsmiths, Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, Open C Netball, Team Award,
Inter-House Cross Country (Age Champion), APS Cross Country (Captain) and Athletics, Senior T2 Volleyball, Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, South Coast Cross Country Trials, Sport Team Captains - Open, Honours: Athletics and Cross Country
Tenaysha Thomasson Year 2 to 12 Honour: Music, Chamber Orchestra, Concert Band, Flute Ensemble, Girls' Choir, Vocal Group, Inter- House Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, Open C Netball, MVP Award.
Amaris Toia Years 10 to 12
Frank Tomlinson Years 10 to 12 Senior Tier 2 Basketball, Golf Development, Inter-House Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals
Ethan Wilkin Prep to Year 12 Senior Tier 2 Basketball, Senior T2 Volleyball,
Callum Wilkins Years 6 to 12 1st XV Rugby, Inter- House Swimming (Age Champion), APS Athletics, Open A Touch, Inter-House Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, Half Colour: Rugby, South Coast Team Selections
Shing Fong (Ian) Yuen Years 10 to 12 Senior T2 Volleyball,
Nicholas Tan Years 9 to 12
Open A Netball (Captain), APS Athletics,
College Captain, Full Colour: Drama, Committees: Functions, Impact, Science; Somerset Mathematical Society, House Plays - Winning Play, Wordsmiths, Age Champion Inter-House Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming, APS Swimming (Captain), Athletics and Cross Country, Open A Volleyball, Honour: Triathlon, Half Colour: Cross Country South Coast Cross Country Trials, Open Water Polo (Captain).
Year 12 Laver
Open A Basketball, Inter-House Cross Country Carnival, Honour: Netball South Coast Team Selections
16 November 2021
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