2020 IB Extended Essays


allow for the expansion of its city. The poor planning was an oversight of the French which

could have been easily avoided.

Cambodia’s desire to protect their culture and remain independent from its powerful

neighbours required help from the French protectorate. However, this tested the

Cambodians’ ability to live and develop independently, as the colonial relationship meant

that Cambodia remained uneducated in politics and once independence was gained the

country struggled to run itself.

Hence the first real case of foreign influence directly leading to the rise of the Khmer Rouge

can be seen in the negligence of French governance. The country they left behind was ill-

equipped for a strong government, and this absence laid the groundwork for the rise of the

Khmer Rouge. The historical continuance of invasions and power struggles over and

surrounding Cambodia meant the country had an increased susceptibility to foreign

influences. This susceptibility allowed for the power grasp of the Khmer Rouge, as they

played on the history of oppression and struggles which helped them gain political ground.

Circle Marxist- Pol Pot’s Radical Marxism The French political group of the Circle Marxist influenced the political ideologies of Pol Pot

through the teachings of foreign ideologies. The Circle Marxist was a communist political

group which was founded in 1926 7 . It was based upon the Marxist beliefs of communism

and the ideals that should be followed in leadership. Pol Pot while studying in France

encountered Marxism and joined the Circle Marxist 8 . He also encountered other Cambodian

7 Richards, M 2019, Biography of Pol Pot, Thought Co, viewed 11 April 2020, < https://www.thoughtco.com/pol-pot- 1779833 > 8 Gowan, P 2020, A plan to win socialism in America, Jacobin Magazine, viewed 10 April 2020, < https://jacobinmag.com/2019/02/a-plan-to-win-socialism-in-america >

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