2020 IB Extended Essays
The political representation of women in literature and mythology contradicted the reality of women’s position in Athens society. Women in literature were represented as brave, intelligent and having a political force and standpoint. This can be clearly seen through the tragedies of Antigone, Hecuba and Lysistrata which demonstrates female’s objection towards the patriarchal system and dominant political ideologies. However, the plays also reference the reality of women’s lives and the political oppression they faced daily. Therefore, it can be argued that women in literature and mythology are partially accurate. Antigone, written by Sophocles, is a play about political power and how an individual acts out of a fear of consequences of disobedience and in accordance with the desire for self- preservation. Antigone, acts out against the law to self-preserve her brother’s dignity and hold a respectful funeral. However, due to Creon’s law, Antigone was prohibited to hold a funeral service to “honour the gods by burying her brother” (Judith Flethcher, 2008). Nevertheless, Antigone goes against Creon’s law and holds a funeral for her brother resulting in the sentencing of her death. Antigone’s, disobedience towards the law was unseen in Athenian society as women were forbidden any chance of stepping into the political arena and polis. Yet, her betrayal of the law, and political aspirations of establishing a rule above the dominant patriarchal system ends in the tragedy of her death. However, she commits suicide to fulfil her freedom of the patriarchal system and to not die by the hands of a male.Sophocles use of her death portrays women’s political aspirations and the misinterpretation of women depicted in literature. In reality, women were not allowed any political point of views or forces, even to the point where laws were created in order to maintain female’s political seclusion. Hence, Antigone’s most idolised quote states that she “shall succumb to nothing so awful as a shameful death” (Study/Women in Antigone,2015) by the hands of the dominant patriarchal system. Furthermore, governing the ideology that
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