2020 IB Extended Essays
Athena holds a statue of Nike, the goddess of victory which is done to contribute to the
overarching theme of victorious Greeks. All depictions of myths on the Athena Parthenos
show the Greeks as victorious. The shield beneath Athena’s left hand consists of two
illustrations on the inside and outside of the shield. The inside of the shield contains a
Gigantomachy, the battle of Gods and Giants for supremacy of the cosmos. This is a
common narrative where the Gods emerge victorious. The outside of the shield depicts
Amazonomachy design of Amazons contesting against Greek heroes ( Battle of Theseus ),
where the Amazons are representative of ‘foreign cultures. Similarly, the base of Athena’s
shoes are lined with the depiction of the battle between Centaurs and Lapiths, also a battle
where the Greeks emerge victorious. The base of the sculpture contains a relief in gold of
scenes from the birth of Pandora. Each scene is a metaphor for Greek civilisation over
barbarians, and their triumph over the Persians.
The statue sports Medusa’s head on her shield and breastplate, in relation to the curse
Athena placed upon her. The golden snake seen beneath her shield is said to be the
guardian of the Acropolis and also representative of one of Athena’s sacred animals of
knowledge and wisdom. The sculpture sent a clear message of power and wealth of
Athens and demonstrates the extent in which the city is able to produce such an
extravagant tribute to the Goddess of ivory and gold. Additionally, the Parthenon was
created as a gift to Athena for gratitude towards the Greeks success on the battlefield.
The relationship forged between a real-life accomplishment and mythical
accomplishments show how closely the two are linked and the connection of mundane
occurrences with the spiritual.
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