2020 IB Extended Essays
Delos to the Athenian Acropolis. This encouraged focus gods and religion and the new
stylistic technique of statues with longer limbs that closely resemble human form, along
with the first ever female nude carved form fine marble known as the Aphrodite of Knidos
by Greek sculptor Praxiteles of Athens (had been stolen and burned) – which was later
adapted many times by roman sculptors (Firgure 2). This became a symbol of love and
respect in the city, where
The Hellenistic Period (323-32BCE), by the time Alexander the Great had passed, Greece
became chaotic as his empire broke apart. The Hellenistic Period built upon the strong
foundations set by the Classical Period, although it is seen as more directed towards
human form and human expression. Mosaic arts rose during this time period, along with
paintings which most did not survive to this time. Ceramic art and vase-painting
declined during this period, with the increasing popularity of ‘minor’ arts including
jewellery, gems and metallic work which were favoured by 9 Greek artisans. This period
highlights the influence of Greek art on in places such as Persia, Syria and Babylonia.
Popular Art Mediums in Ancient Greece
In earlier periods Greek sculptures mostly served a religious purpose. They were used as
decorations within temples. Commemorative sculptures also played an important part.
Significant victory would be celebrated by the direction of a statue or group, a triumph in
an athletic contest with the statue of the young victor, a treaty made between two cities
with the erection of a stele.
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