2020 IB Extended Essays
Greek religion is said to have lasted more than a thousand years from 9 th century BCE
(time of Homer), to the 4 th century CE). During this period, Greek influence had spread
to the west of Spain and reached the Mediterranean. Religion in Ancient Greece was
classified as polytheistic, meaning they believed in multiple deities rather than one god.
The core of their belief system, where the centre of their faith lies, is with the group of
Gods that preside over every aspect of human life. These are known as the Olympian
Gods, who reside on Mt Olympus – consisting of Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Poseidon, Apollo,
Artemis, Ares, Hermes, Hephaestus, Athena, Demeter and Dionysus. However, some disagree
that Dionysus should be counted as an Olympian , and instead replace him with Hestia, Leto
or Hercules. Worshipping these Gods were part of everyday mundane life of the Greeks –
however, there are countless more Gods and Goddesses categorised into Titan Gods,
Primordial Gods, Underworld, Sea Gods, Sky Gods, Rustic Gods, Agrarian Gods, Daemoness
(spirits) and Deified Mortals. It is important to note that the belief in certain Major Cult Gods
or Goddesses (may be interpreted as secondary Gods) may be more apparent in specific
areas in Greece, for example, the God of Asclepius’ cult centre being the sanctuary of
Epidaurus and the god Love, Eros, to the smaller towns of Thespiae and Parion.
The Greeks main accounting of religion and beliefs are seen through literature and art;
however, initial accounts of Greek mythology were only ever recounted orally – as the
Greek religion did not possess a sacred text. As time progressed, efforts were made to
account for these oral traditions to be written, which was done by Hesiod in his Theogony
and by Homer. Greek mythology played a large role in providing reason as to why and
how things came to be. Connected to Greek religion, myths were used to elucidate to the
origins and lives of gods and goddesses, along with providing insight as to the best way
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