2020 IB Extended Essays
Body Due to the current world attitude on clean energy, the demand for clean energy has increased
dramatically. This attitude for clean energy is demonstrated by Figure 1.3, whereby even with a
decrease in the subsidy’s amount the demand still increases. This means changes to prices; the
product and the market have been made in order to suit the largest number of consumers in the
market. The government then ensured that a subsidy was introduced in order to influence everyday
consumers to ‘do their part’ and help the environment by buying solar panels.
As seen in the below diagram, Figure 1.2, Australia’s clean energy percentage has been steadily
increasing over the past 20 years. The left axis shows how many Giga watt hours are clean while the
right shows the percentage. This graph demonstrates that people are really starting to use clean
energy over coal and gas which in turn could be taken as the solar panel subsidy is working well.
However, on the flip side the Australian governments renewable energy target was 20% of all energy
produced in 2009 while figure 1.2 below shows that a spike in clean energy did occur due to this
subsidy, it was not enough to reach the goal of 20% (Government, 2016). This partially answers the
question of whether the subsidy did affect sales of solar panels in Australia. However, figure 1.2 is
compromised of all clean energy, not just household solar panels, meaning that the data shown in
the graph is inaccurate in terms of the research question. It offers a broad outline but does not focus
on the topic of the question which is household solar.
It is important to note that figure 1.2 stops recording the clean energy in 2018 and therefore does
not help to fully answer the research question as it does not include 2019.
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