2019 Year 12 IB Extended Essays
To what extent does Patricia Piccinini challenge our perspective on the ethics of bioengineering?
Style and Concepts - When analysing these works comparatively it allows the viewer to grasp a representative understanding of not only Piccinini’s style and personal aesthetic but also her views and psyche towards the current human condition. As observable throughout this essay and in her art Piccinini is undeniably fascinated by the human condition’s evolution and how it will continue to evolve alongside the environment and the new ideologies introduced; more specifically technology. The style that Piccinini is most recognised for is called hyperrealism. This genre of art is utterly dependant on the artist's skill and eye for detail in order to fabricate a life-like illusion. Most commonly used in order to convince the audience of its similarity to themselves and awaken empathy or a relationship between them. Although Piccinini is successful in doing this she does so with a transgenic twist. The impressive realistic execution of her genetically modified organisms deliberately creates a work of art so differently familiar it is almost impossible to take your eyes off. This is also often accompanied by placing/composing these creatures in situations which appeal to the audience’s pathos. This can clearly be observed in the vulnerability and facial expressions in both The Young Family (2002) and The Bond (2016). Piccinini’s craftsmanship accompanied by her eccentric imagination is key in allowing her to effectively communicate her messages and ideas. Although the overlying and most evident idea within these pieces is bioengineering and the relationship of technology within art, just as significant are Piccinini’s themes of love, connection and societal response. This raises the question as to what these individual ideas collaboratively attempt to convey. Does Piccinini have a firm opinion surrounding bioengineering or is her purpose to challenge the viewer's ethics and values?
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