2019 Year 12 IB Extended Essays
Bibliography Barry, P. (1994). In P. Barry, Beginning Theory: An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory (p. 238). Manchester University Press . Ghez, T. (2011). Humbert Humbert's unreliability in Nabokob's Lolita and the fil adaptations by Stanley Kubrick. 1-7. Green, M. (1966). The Morality of Lolita . The Kenyon Review Vol. 28, No. 3 , 352- 377. L. Herman, B. V. (2001). In Handbook of Narrative Analysis (p. 80). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press . Lodge, D. (1966). The Rhetoric of Wayne Booth . Critical Survey Vol. 3, No. 1 , 4. Lodge, D. (1993). The Art of Fiction: Illustrated From Classic and Modern Texts. Viking . Margeson, E. (2015). Tracing Lolita; Defining the Archtype of the Nymphet in 20th and 21st Century Literature and culture . 1. More, A. R. (2001). How unreliable is Humbert in Lolita? Journal of Modern Literature Vol 25, No.1 , 71-80. Nabokov, V. (1955). Lolita . France : Olympia Press . Parsons, A. (2017, June ). Focalisation . Retrieved from MA Narrative Environments, Course Compendium : http://compendium.kosawese.net/term/focalisation/ Rimmon-Kenan, S. (2001). In S. Rimmon-Kenan, Narrative Fiction: Contemporary Poetics (p. 100). London and New York: Routledge . Toker, L. (1989). Nabokov: They Mystery of Literary Structures . 463-469. Wasmuth, J. (2009). Unreliable narration in Lolita . Literary Seminar Lund University .
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