2019 Year 12 IB Extended Essays

Ayn Rand’s Objectivism and John Rawls’ Theory of Justice


Capitalism. These nation states allow people to follow their own self-interest but also

provide safety nets for those who are not as well off.

The advocation for the Rawlsian social contract is that human beings can cogitate from

a universal standpoint and hence be an impartial moral agent. Therefore, all nation states

should re-establish their socio-economic theories on the philosophies of John

Rawls.The future of the social contract should be in the hands of the Rawlsian school

of thought as the majority of the world’s nation states take into consideration the need

for social welfare. As many countries currently follow the neo-liberalist philosophy,

drastic social reform must be made to achieve the perfect balance between individual

rights and community welfare.


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