2019 Year 12 IB Extended Essays
Ayn Rand’s Objectivism and John Rawls’ Theory of Justice
While Rawls presents a philosophically sound argument for his form of social justice it
does have criticisms. The strongest criticism that Rawls’ argument faces his how man
can eliminate its inherent bias to create an ethically well-founded basis. John Rawls
provides his best evidence for his theory of social justice with his thought experiment
the ‘veil of ignorance’. Rawls uses the aforementioned ‘Difference Principle’ and ‘The
Greatest Equal Liberty Principle’ to provide a cogent basis for his thought experiment.
The ‘veil of ignorance’ thought experiment positions the reader to envisage themselves
as sitting behind a veil which they cannot see through. The veil acts as a barrier between
us and what we know, who we are and identifying with personal circumstances. By the
barrier being created it allows one to look at the world ignorantly. 22
Rawls’ ‘veil of ignorance’ allows society to determine an objective form of how it
should operate. Ensuring that everyone has access to the greatest amount of liberty and
access to opportunities they can have. Rawls understands that by using the ‘veil of
ignorance’ it can provide lawmakers, politicians, rulers and even individuals with an
unbiased formula for creating a social contract. The ‘veil of ignorance’ thought
experiment provides the most valid answer to the issue of identity politics. The thought
experiment takes out the natural bonds that people of the same ethnicity, religion or
gender would see when making decisions.
Rawls made a significant impact on the modern-day political landscape. Arguably, his
most profound influence has been on the Supreme Court of the United States. We can
22 The University of Texas, 2019. Ethics Unwrapped. [Online]
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