2019 Year 12 IB Extended Essays

23 UKEssays. November 2018. What Is Knowledge According To Plato Philosophy Essay. [online]. Available from: https://www.ukessays.com/essays/philosophy/what-is-knowledge- according-to-plato-philosophy-essay.php?vref=1 [Accessed 25 April 2019]. Analysis of Source: Validity: Somewhat valid, being from a non-established website, such as UKEssays. Bias: Unknown bias, as the author is unknown. Usefulness: Relatively useful, as it provides an overview of knowledge according to Plato. Wilde, R. (2019). A Guide to the Intellectual Movement Known as Renaissance Humanism . [online] ThoughtCo Available at: https://www.thoughtco.com/renaissance-humanism-p2- 1221781 [Accessed 19 Apr. 2019]. Analysis of Source: Validity: Somewhat valid, being from a non-established website, such as ThoughtCo. Bias: Some bias, as it is written from the viewpoint of a Westerner, therefore focussing on how the Renaissance and Humanism affected the Western world. Usefulness: Useful, as it provides insight into what the Renaissance and Humanism were. Xiuzhong Xu, V. and Xiao, B. (2018). China's Social Credit System seeks to assign citizens scores, engineer social behaviour . [online] ABC News. Available at: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-03-31/chinas-social-credit-system-punishes- untrustworthy-citizens/9596204 [Accessed 21 Apr. 2019]. Analysis of Source: Validity: Valid, being from an established organisation, such as the ABC. Bias: Some bias, as it is presented from the viewpoint of two Chinese journalists, and an Australian news company, therefore this could possibly affect the information provided.

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