2019 Year 12 IB Extended Essays


Analysis of Source: Validity: Valid, being from an established academic source, such as the Stanford Encyclopedia. Bias: Little to no bias, as it is purely a presentation of facts, regarding Aristotle. Usefulness: Highly useful, as it provides detailed facts about Aristotle. Sunshine, G. (2017). The Reformation and Politics 2: Luther and the Two Kingdoms . [online] BreakPoint. Available at: http://www.breakpoint.org/2017/08/reformation-politics-2-luther- two-kingdoms/ [Accessed 19 Apr. 2019]. Analysis of Source: Validity: Somewhat valid, as it is from a non-established source, such as BreakPoint. Bias: Little bias, as it is purely a presentation of facts, however it is written from a Western viewpoint, which could possibly affect the information provided. Usefulness: Useful, as it provides facts regarding Martin Luther and his Doctrine of Two Kingdoms. Theory Of Knowledge. (2019). History . [online] Available at: https://www.theoryofknowledge.net/areas-of-knowledge/history/ [Accessed 18 Apr. 2019]. Analysis of Source: Validity: Valid, as it is from an academic source, being the Theory of Knowledge website itself. Bias: Little to no bias, as it is purely a presentation of facts, regarding TOK in the IB. Usefulness: Highly useful, as it is from the TOK website itself, and provides an overview of History as an area of knowledge within the Theory of Knowledge.

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