2019 Year 12 IB Extended Essays


The overall positive relationship of two variables is caused by the higher potential energy that

the ball can store at higher heights. As a result, when the energy is conversed to kinetic, the

ball has a faster velocity and momentum allowing to have a great entry speed. The high entry

speed allows the ball to have a higher centripetal acceleration which helped the ball to

complete the loop. As the ball has more potential energy, it can complete larger loops. This

theory is mentioned in the background research and it is the main concept of how roller

coasters can complete elements of the ride like loops and hills without an engine.

However, energy loss must be considered when it comes to realistic situations. As I have

mentioned about the anomaly between the height 60 cm and 70 cm, this could have caused

by energy loss. Air resistance could have contributed but considering the surface area of the

ball and the height, it would be negligible. However, the friction between the ball and the

track could have caused some energy loss which made the ball released at the height of 70

cm can only complete a loop with a larger radius than the previous radius 1 cm. It is also

possible that the design of the loop could have caused this. As I have said, roller coaster loops

are clothoid loops which are designed to reduce the entry speed requirement and hence

potential energy requirement. The loops in the experiment are circular so they require higher

entry speed therefore more potential energy. At a height of 70cm, the travel distance is longer

resulted more energy loss during the conversion and hence, the ball was not able to meet the

high entry speed requirement of the larger loop.

Secondary data:

Although the secondary data does not provide enough relevant data, I can still see

recognisable relationships. These roller coasters statistics are taken from database of real

roller coaster and as you can see, the Steel Curtain in USA has the highest release at 67 m and

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IB Diploma

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