2019 Year 12 IB Extended Essays
Overall, to answer, “To what degree are the issues of sex, love and gender similar and different within the poetry of Carol Ann Duffy and John Donne?”, John Donne and Carol Ann Duffy address issues of sex, love and gender within society during their times on subtle, complex and varying levels, neither settling for one decided viewpoint. Between criticisms and exaggerations, they address how both women and men act and should be treated, as well as how the social concepts around sex should be less one sided. Finally, to both John Donne and Carol Ann Duffy, sex can not only exist as something purely carnal and for pleasure but also on a more wholesome, spiritual and even divine level; sex which is elevated to love with a semblance of maturity and equality between the genders. This is the fine balance of these two poets separated by the ages.
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