2019 Year 12 IB Extended Essays
herself. Unlike other girls her age, her social identity is one of a ‘tomboy’, always in overalls and muddy shoes, spending the majority of her time playing with her older brother. She does not concur to a stereotypical young and petite girl, instead she initiates fights, uses profanity and her consistent mockery of adults represents her transgressing from the expected lady-like manner. Hence, Lee positions the reader to relate and empathise for her. As the novel progresses, Scout begins to realise the distinctive gender positions and the patriarchal dominated society that she lives in. Whilst attending school, she is forced to wear a dress as it is considered by society as appropriate wear for girls. However, Scout feels out of place and unlike herself. One of the most notable representations of the oppression of women is the conformation of Scouts brother, Jem. Impressed upon him by societal beliefs, Jem is fuelled by gender prejudices as he insinuates the overall fragility of women when accusing Scout of “getting’ more like a girl everyday” (pg.57). The representation of Atticus’s sister, Aunt Alexandra is of a woman who embraces the life society has destined for her. As an ideal Southern woman, she disapproves of her niece’s tomboyish behaviour and improper manners. Scout does not understand her Aunt’s interest in her clothing: “Aunt Alexandra was fanatical on the subject of my attire. I could not possibly hope to be a lady if I wore breeches; when I said I could do nothing in a dress, she said I wasn’t supposed to be doing things that required pants” (pg.74). This shows the direct contrast between Scout and her Aunt. Where Scout is comfortable with what she wears, her Aunt dislikes the clothing as it is unrepresentative of what it means to be a lady. Furthermore, Scout’s consistent questioning regarding the social boundary set between men and women is symbolic of her transgression. The notion of conforming to societies beliefs and values singles out that one does not question what is expected
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