2019 Year 12 IB Extended Essays
In an approach that encourages widespread participation; rational thought and logical decision- making skills develop and flourish. While Bourgeois theatre alienates the masses and establishes division, poetics of the Oppressed forces participators out of complacency to create action and justice. The trial and error process of ‘Image, Forum, and Simultaneous Dramaturgy’ does not promote idealistic problem solving rather it attempts to overcome the difficult situations of reality. The practices of Theatre of the Oppressed are processes of metacognition. They invite awareness of one’s social situation, limitations, and individual attitudes. Sanjoy Ganguly founded the Jana Sanskriti Centre in 1895, whilst performing theatre in rural Bengal India. Active in communist politics, Ganguly was well educated and critically aware of the unequal wealth distribution, poverty and the oppressive social norms embedded within Indian cultures and communities. Leaving the stagnant and power riddled communist parties, he searched for a political culture of dialogue and democracy. Amongst his own vision of a just and equal society and his encounter with Augusto Boal, Ganguly began his journey to create an independent organisation committed to creating social justice and change.
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